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Agents 지능형 에이전트 프로그램. Agent 지각, 인식  추론, 판단  행위 환경 에이전트.

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Presentation on theme: "Agents 지능형 에이전트 프로그램. Agent 지각, 인식  추론, 판단  행위 환경 에이전트."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agents 지능형 에이전트 프로그램

2 Agent 지각, 인식  추론, 판단  행위 환경 에이전트

3 Performance Performance measure - Happiness - ?? When of evaluating performance Degree of success

4 Rationality and Omniscience Omniscience  knows actual outcome of its action Rationality  expected success given what has been perceived : performance measure : percept sequence : knowledge about the environment : actions that the agent can perform

5 Autonomy A system is autonomous to the extent that its behavior is determined by its own experience Clock designer ::: ??? Omniscience designer ??? Intelligent clock

6 Software agent (softbot) Agent = architecture + program Simple reflex agents : condition-action rule Agents that keep track of the world : How the world evolves; What my action do? (What the world is like?)

7 Software agent (Cont.) Goal-based agents : goal information which describes situations that are desirable : search and planning (what it will be like if I do some actions

8 Software agent (cont.) Utility-based agents : Utility is a function that maps a state onto a real number describing the associated degree of happiness : (1) conflicting goals, (2) when it is impossible to achieve the goal, the likelihood of success can be weighted

9 Environments Accessible  inaccessible Deterministic  non-deterministic Episodic  non-episodic (decomposable or not) Static  dynamic Discrete  continunous (( page 47, 그림 2.13 참고 )

10 숙제 2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 2.7, 2.8, 2.20 로봇 축구를 생각해보라 … 로봇 축구가 4 가지 에이전트의 유형에 따라 어떻게 다르게 구현될 수 있는지 생 각해보라. 그리고 각 모형에서 로봇축구 시스템의 지식변화와 이에 따른 환경과 의 상호작용을 설명하라 …

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