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Galileo Student Online Testing Guide. OBJECTIVES  Log in/out  Take a test.

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Presentation on theme: "Galileo Student Online Testing Guide. OBJECTIVES  Log in/out  Take a test."— Presentation transcript:

1 Galileo Student Online Testing Guide

2 OBJECTIVES  Log in/out  Take a test

3 Log into the website below

4 Click on K-12 Student-Parent Center for log in page

5 Log in Page - enter your username and password here

6 Click on the Take Test link

7 The password for this test is: _______ Click on Take Test after you type in the password

8 Now you are ready to start the test.

9 To move to the next question, you can click on the question number.

10 You can click on the drop menu and select the question you want

11 You can also move forward and back by clicking on the arrows

12 You are ready to continue with the test.

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