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Greek and Latin Roots UNIT TWO.

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1 Greek and Latin Roots UNIT TWO

2 From the Latin ‘stare’ and ‘stantum’
STA, STI From the Latin ‘stare’ and ‘stantum’ stand or stay

3 From the root ‘sta’ or ‘sti’
stanch Verb; to stop the flow of Desperate to stanch the blood seeping from the wound, the doctor decided to put a tourniquet on the patient’s arm.

4 From the root ‘sta’ or ‘sti’
staunch adjective; firm and steadfast; true Though the reverend was a staunch believer in predestination, his faith was tested by horrible events. Synonym: strong antonym: fickle, wavering

5 From the root ‘sta’ or ‘sti’
extant adjective; still in existence; not destroyed Scientists continue to search through the remains of the museum in the hopes that they will discover some extant works of art. Synonym: existing antonym: extinct

6 From the root ‘sta’ or ‘sti’
restive adjective; resisting authority; difficult to control Police feared the townspeople would grow restive under the strict curfew and begin to engage in acts of civil disorder. synonym: contrary antonym: compliant

7 From the Latin ‘ponere’ and ‘positum’
To put or place

8 apropos ‘pos’ – to put or place preposition; with regard to
Apropos of Jim’s speech on nuclear energy, Dawn mentioned that a new power plant would be built in the neighboring town. synonym: proper antonym: inappropriate

9 depose ‘pos’ – to put or place verb; to remove from office or power
The Russian rule of Czar Nicholas came to an end when the Czar and other members of the royal family were deposed and murdered by rebel forces.

10 From the Greek ‘statos’
STAS, STAT From the Greek ‘statos’ standing

11 ‘stas’ ‘stat’ – standing
static adjective; having no motion or change Critics found the composer’s latest work static, boring, and lacking in emotional development. synonym: still antonym: dynamic

12 ‘stas’ ‘stat’ – standing
ecstasy noun; intense joy or delight The ecstasy Bob felt after watching the Red Sox win the World Series was matched only by the joy of the Yankees not winning. synonym: joy antonym: misery

13 ‘stas’ ‘stat’ – standing
stasis noun; condition in which there is no change Scientists find it difficult to accurately predict climate patterns because the environment is not in stasis, but constantly changing. synonym: balance

14 ENT, ESS From the Latin ‘esse’ to be

15 entity ‘ent’ ‘ess’ – to be noun; an existence; a being
For tax purposes, a married couple may be considered either two people or a single entity.

16 essence ‘ent’ ‘ess’ – to be
noun; the most important ingredient; the crucial element After months of preparation, the lawyers finally began to discuss the essence of the case. synonym: crux

17 quintessential ‘ent’ ‘ess’ – to be adjective; important
The goalie declared that the Blackhawk’s victory in the last second of the final game was his quintessential sports triumph. synonym: essential antonym: unnecessary

18 A group of local citizens has drafted a petition to depose the governor on the grounds that…
Peter was such a staunch supporter of his local football team that….. Because the manuscripts are the only extant writings from the time of the town’s founding, we can assume… Nate began to grow restive when his parents….. The rainforest went into stasis as a result of…….. Trying to stanch the number of immigrants coming into the country, the government…..

19 The fresh roses seemed the quintessential expression of love because……
The ecstasy that the spelling bee contestant felt was the result of….. The news anchor mentioned a recent bank robbery apropos of…. The business group was not a legal entity because….. The essence of the manufacturer’s speech against taxes on trade was…. Feeling that his existence had become rather static, Jay decided to…..

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