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Presentation on theme: "PERSONEL BALANCED SCORE CARD BY Muhamad Bustaman Abdul Manaf Hak Milik MBAM IAB KPM1."— Presentation transcript:

1 PERSONEL BALANCED SCORE CARD BY Muhamad Bustaman Abdul Manaf Hak Milik MBAM IAB KPM1

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4 Primary Questions That Are Central to Your Personal Mission and Vision Personal MissionPersonal Vision Who am I? What is my philosophy of life? Why am I on this earth? What are my overall life objectives? What do I live for? What are my deepest aspirations? Why do I do what I do? What are my unique talents? Where do I stand now? What are my core beliefs? Where am I going? Which values and principles guide my way? What do I want to help realize? What do I want to achieve? What are my long-term intentions? What is my ideal? What do I stand for? What do I believe in? Which contribution to society do I strive to make? How do I see myself? (What is my self-image and my sense of self- worth?) Hak Milik MBAM IAB KPM4

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7 The Personal Ambition of Muhd. Bustaman *Personal Mission : To live with ‘TAQWA’ and mean something to others. *Personal Vision: To be a leader in strategic management studies especially in educational management. I want to fulfill my mission in the following way. Be honest with others. Work with others harmoniously, help each other, inspire others, and share knowledge. Do things that make a difference in the lives of others. Take initiative, learn from mistakes, continuously improve and develop myself. Strive for physical, mental,soul and financial health. Have respect and appreciation for others, as well as be appreciated by my family, friends, employer, and associates. Deliver high-quality work so that my organisatitor is continuously satisfied. Hak Milik MBAM IAB KPM7

8 MY KEY ROLES In order to achieve my mission, the following key roles have top priority: Wife: My wife is the most important person in my life. Father : I want to promote the capabilities and creativity of my children continuously and to help them reach a happy existence. Muslim: God (Allah) can count on me to keep my duty towards others. Manager: Help the organization (IAB, KPM) where I work become successful and by doing this serve society/nation. Student: I want to learn something new every day, I will always be a scholar. Hak Milik MBAM IAB KPM8

9 Critical Success Areas & Factors of M.Bustaman 9 Financial PerspectiveExternal Perspective Financial health Extra Income Be appreciated by family, friends, colleagues, and employer Deliver high-quality work Internal PerspectiveLearning Perspective working together harmoniously, helping each other, inspiring others, and sharing knowledge with each other Strive for physical and mental health Take initiative, learn from my mistakes, continuously improve and develop myself Learn something new every day and always be a scholar

10 Hak Milik MBAM IAB KPM KRA, Objectives, KPI & Target of M Bustaman PDP 10 KRA (Financial)ObjectivesKPITarget Financial healthMore earnings Reliable future earnings Curbing spending Salary increase Employment contract Pension Disability insurance Ratio of income to spending At least 5 % per year From temporary ( as acting manager ) to permanent employment contract ( for unlimited time ) within two years 13% of gross salary 5% of gross salary Increase of at least 5% within tow years KRA (External) Being appreciated by family, friends, colleagues, and employer Being appreciate by life companion Being appreciated by own children Being appreciated by friends Number of times being together in a charming atmosphere Being cared for own children Number of real friends At least once a week Every time there is an occasion for it Increase depending on the circumstances

11 Hak Milik MBAM IAB KPM KRA, Objectives, KPI & Target of M Bustaman PDP 11 KRA (External)ObjectivesKPITarget Deliver high- quality work Being appreciated by employer Improved level of satisfaction of employees Greater trust of my employer in fulfillment of my job Level of reward Number of authorities Degree of satisfaction of employees Level of satisfaction of employer Increase at least 5% per year Increase of 25% within two years At least 80% within 1,5 years At least 80% within 1.5 years KRA (Internal) Working together harmoniously, helping each other, inspiring each other and sharing knowledge with each other Strive for physical and mental health Improvement level of satisfaction from others with respect to teamwork and personal contact Satisfaction Physically healthy and mentally strong More time off Enjoying the good things in life Perception score from others with regard to teamwork and personal contacts Helping others Percent of sick leave Level of tension Level of immunity to stress Number of paid vacation days a year enjoyment At least 80% within 2 years To be determined Less than 2 % in 1 year Decrease by at least 50% in 2 years At least 17 days To be determined

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