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The Scientific Method What is the scientific method? A question…

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Presentation on theme: "The Scientific Method What is the scientific method? A question…"— Presentation transcript:


2 The Scientific Method

3 What is the scientific method? A question…

4 Step #1 - The Question or Problem. You must have something that starts your investigation.

5 Who, what, when, where, why, & how much. Step #1 - The Question or Problem. Must be measurable (preferably with numbers).

6 Rather than starting from scratch in putting together a plan for answering your question, use the library and Internet for your research. Step #2 - Research.

7 You want to find the best way to do things and make sure you don't repeat mistakes from the past. Step #2 - Research.

8 Your proposed answer to the question/solution to the problem. Step #3 - Hypothesis

9 Written as "If _____[I do this] _____, then _____[this will happen]."

10 Tests hypothesis to see if it is true or false. Step #4 – The Experiment

11 Must be a fair test. Step #4 – The Experiment Must be repeated several times.

12 Data is collected during the experiment. Step #4 – The Experiment

13 Determine what your data means. Step #5 – Analyze Data

14 There are two types of data you analyze. Step #5 – Analyze Data

15 Quantitative Data Step #5 – Analyze Data Qualitative Data

16 Quantitative Data Step #5 – Analyze Data Deals with numbers.

17 Quantitative Data Step #5 – Analyze Data Data which can be measured.

18 Quantitative Data Step #5 – Analyze Data Length, height, area, volume, weight, speed, time, temperature…

19 Quantitative Data Step #5 – Analyze Data humidity, sound levels, cost, members, ages, etc.

20 Qualitative Data Step #5 – Analyze Data Deals with descriptions.

21 Qualitative Data Step #5 – Analyze Data Data can be observed but not measured.

22 Step #5 – Analyze Data Colors, textures, smells, tastes, appearance, beauty, etc. Qualitative Data

23 Determine if your hypothesis was correct. Step #6 - Conclusion

24 My hypothesis is correct because… Step #6 - Conclusion My hypothesis is not correct because…

25 Scientists always work this way, right? No!

26 There is no such thing as one scientific method.

27 Scientists work in many different ways.

28 The presentation ends here.

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