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Life Fitness 2 Mrs. Pendleton Period 6 By…Group Members’ Names.

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Presentation on theme: "Life Fitness 2 Mrs. Pendleton Period 6 By…Group Members’ Names."— Presentation transcript:

1 Life Fitness 2 Mrs. Pendleton Period 6 By…Group Members’ Names


3 By Mrs. Pendleton

4 Tibialis Anterior Biceps Femoris Iliopsoas LOWER BODY Iliosoas – Hip flexion Biceps Femoris – lower leg flexion Tibialis Anterior – foot flexion LOWER BODY Iliosoas – Hip flexion Biceps Femoris – lower leg flexion Tibialis Anterior – foot flexion Erector Spinae Medial Deltoid Splenius capitis Flexor muscles in hand Biceps UPPER BODY Erector Spinae – Torso Extension Posterior Deltoid – Backwards arm movement Medial Deltoid – upward arm movement at the shoulder Biceps – lower arm flexion Splenius Capitis – head flexion UPPER BODY Erector Spinae – Torso Extension Posterior Deltoid – Backwards arm movement Medial Deltoid – upward arm movement at the shoulder Biceps – lower arm flexion Splenius Capitis – head flexion PHASE 1 Posterior Deltoid

5 Shoulder Knee Elbow Hip LEVERS and JOINTS 1 st class: Neck 3 rd class: Shoulder, Elbow, Hip, and Knee LEVERS and JOINTS 1 st class: Neck 3 rd class: Shoulder, Elbow, Hip, and Knee Neck PHASE 1

6 NEWTON’S FIRST LAW “A body will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line until an external unbalanced force acts on that body to change its state of motion” NEWTON’S FIRST LAW “A body will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line until an external unbalanced force acts on that body to change its state of motion” PHASE 1: Preparation The tennis ball does not move until the “external force”, the athlete’s arm, performs the toss. PHASE 1: Preparation The tennis ball does not move until the “external force”, the athlete’s arm, performs the toss.










16 Andy Roddick Serve Contact Point. Digital image. Optimum Tennis. N.p., 2014. Web. 23 Mar. 2014. "Andy Roddick - The Perfect Serve." You Tube. The4ShOt4, 26 Nov. 2011. Web. 23 Mar. 2014. "Andy Roddick - Serve - Slow Motion." You Tube. N.p., June-July 2012. Web. 23 Mar. 2014. Behnke, Robert. "Levers Work to Create Movement in the Human Body." Human- kinetics. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar. 2014. Federer Serve. Digital image. You Tube. Dissecting Tennis, 28 May 2013. Web. 23 Mar. 2014. Kurtzman, Cliff. Tennis Serve Follow Through. Digital image. The Tennis Server., 2014. Web. 23 Mar. 2014. "Newton's Laws of Motion." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 24 Mar. 2014. Web. 24 Mar. 2014. Siri Stafford, Digital Vision, and Getty Images. Tennis serve toss. Digital Livestrong Foundation, n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2014. Tennis Serve. Digital image. Tennis World. Matchball Tennis, 2014. Web. 23 Mar. 2014.

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