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English 9 Mr. Kulp  Who am I?  20 questions Appropriate; not too personal.

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2 English 9 Mr. Kulp

3  Who am I?  20 questions Appropriate; not too personal

4 Classroom Procedures  Respect, Responsibility, & Effort  Each class will begin with FTF  I dismiss you, not the bell DO NOT pack up until I tell you You WILL be the last to leave  Follow ALL school rules Refer to Code of Conduct

5 Procedures continued…  Please listen to others quietly and respectfully  Raised hands are recognized; talking out of turn is not  NO food or drink = detention

6 Participation & Preparedness  Refer to Mrs. Marquette’s syllabus

7 Absences  Remember that you must complete all missed work due to absence within 1 day, unless otherwise stated; including readings.

8 Homework Policy  20-30 mins a night  Read over notes  Work on long-term assignments  Posted on back board & wiki  Vocab biweekly  5 to 15 points; vocab 10 points  Deductions each day late

9 FTF & Journals  Continued to be collected every few weeks unannounced  Refer to syllabus from Mrs. Marquette for details

10 Daily Class Routine  FTF upon entering  Lesson to follow  If finished the assignment for the day, work on upcoming assignments  DO NOT pack until dismissed You will be dismissed last

11 Wikispace  Web tool used as virtual classroom  Obtain lost handouts and worksheets there; I won’t keep extras  Homework will be posted there  Additional information regarding topic of study might be there 

12 Extra Help  High expectations and high support  Available after school until at least 3:15  Please make sure to speak with me, so I know you are coming.  Email!  Wikispace discussion features

13 Workload  Please, do not expect to good off the rest of the year.  Fair, challenging, and interesting  Integration of technology  Written assignments  Readings  Projects

14 Getting to know you…  Your name  1 interesting thing about yourself  1 goal from now until the end of the year  1 dream/goal you have for your future

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