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The Road to Literacy Development Native English Speakers vs. ELLs.

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Presentation on theme: "The Road to Literacy Development Native English Speakers vs. ELLs."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Road to Literacy Development Native English Speakers vs. ELLs

2 Introduction This PowerPoint gives an overview of the stages of literacy development in both reading and writing. It will show not only what to expect from children at each stage but also suggests instructional practices. Finally, it shows how these stages may look different for English Language Learners

3 Reading Show interest in books Pretend to read Use picture cues and predictable patterns Reread familiar books Recognize 5-20 familiar or high- frequency words Writing Distinguish between writing and drawing Write letters and letter-like forms Develop an understanding of directionality Write their first and last names Write 5-20 familiar or high- frequency words Emergent Readers and Writers Can….

4 Reading Include literacy materials in play centers Read aloud to children introducing titles and authors Encourage children to make predictions, connections, retell and dramatize stories Have children manipulate sounds using phonemic awareness Post words on a word wall Writing Have children use crayons for drawing and pencils for writing Teach handwriting skills Use interactive writing for whole- class and small groups Students should write their names each day and learn names of classmates Have children use frames such as “I like...” and “I see a…” Emergent Readers and Writers Instructional Recommendations….

5 Reading Likes to read Reads orally Points to words when reading challenging text Recognizes 80 high-frequency words Makes good predictions Retells Makes connections Writing Beginning Readers and Writers Can…. Likes to write Writes single draft compositions Writes more than 5 sentences Has a beginning, middle and end Refers to the word wall to spell high-frequency words Uses knowledge of phonics to spell Uses capital letters and periods Reads his/her writing to classmates

6 Reading Writing Use interactive writing to teach concepts about written language Provide daily opportunities to write for a variety of purposes Introduce the writing process Teach children to proofread Teach contraction, capitalization, punctuation Have students use computers to publish writing and share from the author’s chair Beginning Readers and Writers Instructional Recommendations…. Lots of choral reading through poems and songs Leveled books during guided reading instruction Daily opportunities to read Teach phonics concepts and rules Teach the top 100 high-frequency words Point out types of texts: informational, stories, books or poems Teach the elements of story structure

7 Reading Recognize most words automatically Reads with expression Reads more than 100 words per minute Reads independently Uses a variety of strategies Thinks inferentially applies knowledge of story structure and genre Writing Uses the writing process Has a sense of audience and purpose Writes a complete story with a beginning, middle and end Writes in paragraphs Indents paragraphs Spells most words correctly Uses capital letters and punctuation to mark sentence boundaries Fluent Readers and Writers Can….

8 Reading Children participate in literature circles and reading workshop Teach about genres and other text features Involve children in author and genre studies Expand children’s ability to use comprehension strategies Children need to respond to books through talk and writing Writing Children participate in writing workshop Teach the writing process Children need to revise and edit Teach spelling rules, synonyms, homonyms, root words, affixes and paragraphing skills Teach how to use a dictionary and thesaurus Fluent Readers and Writers Instructional Recommendations….

9 Stages of Literacy Development for ELLs StageCharacteristics Approximate Time FrameTeacher Prompts PreproductionThe student Has minimal comprehension. Does not verbalize. Nods "Yes" and "No." Draws and points. 0–6 monthsShow me … Circle the … Where is … ? Who has … ? Early ProductionThe student Has limited comprehension Produces one- or two-word responses. Uses key words and familiar phrases. Uses present-tense verbs. 6 months–1 yearYes/no questions Either/or questions Who … ? What … ? How many … ? Speech EmergenceThe student Has good comprehension. Can produce simple sentences. Makes grammar and pronunciation errors. Frequently misunderstands jokes. 1–3 yearsWhy … ? How … ? Explain … Questions requiring phrase or short-sentence answers Intermediate FluencyThe student Has excellent comprehension. Makes few grammatical errors. 3–5 yearsWhat would happen if … ? Why do you think … ? Questions requiring more than a sentence response Advanced FluencyThe student has a near-native level of speech. 5–7 yearsDecide if … Retell …

10 There is a strong link between L1 phonological awareness and L2 reading success suggests that efforts to develop literacy skills in L1 will translate into facility with L2 literacy development and that children will benefit from native language scaffolding as they learn to read in a second language. Gersten and Geva (2003) identified six facets of instruction that predicted ELLs growth in reading: explicit teaching; English learning; phonemic awareness and decoding; vocabulary development; interactive teaching; and instruction geared toward low performers. The effective teachers in this study systematically taught phonological awareness skills and decoding and then reinforced these skills through reading and writing. Teachers should use knowledge of the primary language to understand their students' development. If teachers can familiarize themselves with the basics of phonology and spelling in their students' first language, this will help them to better understand their students' literacy development in English, and they will be better prepared to help students develop both English literacy skills and oral language proficiency (Helman, 2004)

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