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Listeners and Speakers. zListening: A Complex Human Behavior zActive Listening: Overcoming Obstacles zActive Listening and Critical Thinking.

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Presentation on theme: "Listeners and Speakers. zListening: A Complex Human Behavior zActive Listening: Overcoming Obstacles zActive Listening and Critical Thinking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Listeners and Speakers

2 zListening: A Complex Human Behavior zActive Listening: Overcoming Obstacles zActive Listening and Critical Thinking

3 Listening: a Complex Behavior zListeners and Speakers: a Dynamic Relationship zListening is Selective*

4 Listening: a Complex Behavior zHearing is a physiological process. zListening is the process of recognizing, understanding, and accurately interpreting communicated messages. ycomprehensive ycritical yempathic yappreciative

5 Listening: a Complex Human Behavior: Listeners and Speakers zlisteners and speakers are interdependent ycircular response is constant feedback that exists between listeners and speakers.

6 Listening: a Complex Human Behavior: Listening is Selective zSelective Perception is the process by which people pay attention to certain messages and ignore others. ypeople pay attention to information they hold to be important and that touches their experiences and background. ypeople sort and filter new information on the basis of what they already know.

7 Listening: a Complex Human Behavior: Listening is Selective zMessage Perception Gap is the misunderstandings that arise between speaker and listener.

8 Active Listening: Overcoming Obstacles zBarriers to Active Listening zBecoming an Active Listener

9 Active Listening: Overcoming Obstacles zActive listening is focused, purposeful listening.

10 Active Listening: Overcoming Obstacles: Barriers to Active Listening zInattentiveness and distractions yexternal distractions (environment) yinternal distractions (thoughts/feelings) z Script writing and defensive listening ydefensive listening occurs when we sense that our attitudes or opinions are being challenged.

11 Active Listening: Overcoming Obstacles: Barriers to Active Listening zLaziness and Overconfidence yexpect too little from speakers yignore important information ydisplay an arrogant attitude z Cultural Barriers ydifferences in dialects or accents, nonverbal cues, word choice, and physical appearance

12 Active Listening: Overcoming Obstacles: Becoming an Active Listener zset listening goals zfocus efforts zlisten for main ideas zwatch for nonverbal cues zevaluate the speaker’s audience

13 Active Listening zCritical Thinking zCritical Listening: The Thought/Speech Differential

14 Active Listening: Critical Thinking zThe ability to evaluate claims on the basis of well supported reasons: yevaluate the evidence yanalyze assumptions and biases yresist false dilemmas, overgeneralizations and either/or thinking yidentify contradictions yconsider multiple perspectives ysummarize and judge

15 Active Listening: Critical Listening: The Thought/Speech Differential zwe listen at a faster rate than we speak: z we speak at a rate of 100 to 180 words per minute z we listen at a rate of 500 to 600 words per minute

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