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HSE at CERN and Elsewhere Started with questions about Risk Assessments undertaken by people at CERN: Coverage: for themselves, for STFC Staff, for UK.

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Presentation on theme: "HSE at CERN and Elsewhere Started with questions about Risk Assessments undertaken by people at CERN: Coverage: for themselves, for STFC Staff, for UK."— Presentation transcript:

1 HSE at CERN and Elsewhere Started with questions about Risk Assessments undertaken by people at CERN: Coverage: for themselves, for STFC Staff, for UK Staff, for the whole Project ? Who commissions this ? To whom is it given ? Discussions with Graeme Finlan, John Sullivan (Insurance), UKLO. Graeme visited CERN in Nov to speak to GLIMOSs and RALF Trent (Head of CERN HSE) to understand processes and liabilities. A lot associated with liabilities is not clear-cut and depends substantially on circumstances and parties involved. Senior Staff 29/1/2013SJH for DLW1

2 HSE at CERN – Conclusions 1.CERN Responsible for Safety on site: CERN HSE  Expt GLIMOS & Tech Coord  Responsibles 2.CERN should “commission” Risk Assessments. Nevertheless, STFC employees should be proactive to ensure that things are done in accordance with STFC policies, as a minimum. 3.Employers are liable for their own staff – hence the need of insurance for individuals. STFC self-insures. Insurance matters are never black and white. In the case of an incident, liability may fall to CERN or the individual in cases of unprofessional behaviour. 4.This is not a comfortable situation: CERN is responsible for HSE; STFC is liable. We will propose to CERN that they have an independent audit of HSE to reassure us. Senior Staff 29/1/2013SJH for DLW2

3 HSE at CERN – And Finally 1.We tried to summarise our understanding of the situation at CERN in a document: 2.Proposed to duplicate this for ILL (Maurits) and T2K (Geoff?). 3.Graeme should visit ILL – Maurits to liaise. Senior Staff 29/1/2013SJH for DLW3 This could be you ! Be safe

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