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Kelso High School English Department. Chapter Twenty One.

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1 Kelso High School English Department

2 Chapter Twenty One

3 In today’s lesson we will: Analyse Chapter Chapter Twenty One in relation to: Plot Key Incident One Opening Theme: Grief and Loss - Key Incident Two Symbolism Irony

4 Plot Discuss briefly with your partner the main events of Chapter Twenty One. Check that your chapter summary notes include all relevant information. Many elements of the past have been coming back together over the last few chapters. Here they come together literally and symbolically. Past cannot totally disappear under the surface and Susie’s presence comes to the surface just as objects are forced to the surface of the sinkhole from time to time.

5 Key Incident One “That was the moment I fell to Earth.” Susie realises that Holiday wasn’t whining for Lindsey. He is whining because Mr Harvey’s car is coming down the road directly towards Ruth. Mr Harvey sees the sinkhole and remembers he dumped a body there. Ruth sees the car and sees blood covered ghosts. Then she blacks out and Susie falls to earth.

6 Opening Significant that chapter opens with Susie retelling her feelings for Ray and the fact that she was worried about kissing him. Prepares us for the next chapter when her greatest wish will be fulfilled. Ruth has asked her if she wants anything and she is about to give Susie something that she wants more than anything.

7 Theme: Grief and Loss ‘Last night it had been my father who had finally said it, ‘She’s never coming home.’ A clear and easy piece of truth that everyone who had ever known me had accepted. But he needed to say it, and she needed to hear him say it.”(p. 289) For eight years, the family has been unable to admit what they have always known in their hearts: Susie was dead. Her body could bring the final closure they need, but Len explains that all they have is Susie’s charm.

8 Symbolism: Joe Ellis Another victim of Mr Harvey. He had been blamed by Mr Harvey for killing all the animals in the neighbourhood. The town always viewed him suspiciously after that. He had been broken and even though he loved animals, he never got another one.

9 Irony Susie’s memory of going with her father and Buckley to the sinkhole to bury a refrigerator is ironic. At the time, she had worried that it would swallow her. Ironically, it eventually did.

10 The End: Well done!

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