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Session Materials  Wiki   Wireless  Network: OpenAir  Password:

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Presentation on theme: "Session Materials  Wiki   Wireless  Network: OpenAir  Password:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Session Materials  Wiki   Wireless  Network: OpenAir  Password: summer10

2 Washington State Teacher and Principal Evaluation 2

3 Session Norms  Be present  Participate actively:  Ask questions  Share connections  Listen  Work together as a community  Invite and welcome contributions of every member 3

4 Outcomes  Reconnect and share progress, ideas, resources  Examine the polarities we manage in our work with TPEP  Understand newly developed rules and guidelines around evaluation and implications for districts  Identify decisions that need to be made by the district in order to implement the new evaluation system  Begin to design and flesh out a district process for teacher evaluation  Update Communication Plan

5 TPEP Core Principles 5 1. The critical importance of teacher and leadership quality 2. The professional nature of teaching and leading a school 3. The complex relationship between the system for teacher and principal evaluation and district systems and negotiations 4. The belief in professional learning as an underpinning of the new evaluation system 5. The understanding that the career continuum must be addressed in the new evaluation system 6. The system must determine the balance of “inputs or acts” and “outputs or results”

6 Polarity Management  Dilemma or tension among two values  Requires management rather than problem solving  Either/or perspective replaced by both/and  Both values in service of a higher purpose  Both values are good and necessary  Challenge is to manage the right balance

7 Example 7

8 High Student Achievement Low Student Achievement and Evaluation Professional Growth Benefits of Professional Growth Benefits of Evaluation Consequences of focusing too much on growth Consequences for focusing too much on evaluation

9 Take a moment to reflect on the current system in your district. Is there a balance of professional growth and evaluation? What factors contribute to your current reality? What might you need in order to reach your optimal state? Team Discussion

10 Close Reading Jigsaw  Groups of 4 are most ideal  Suggested heterogeneous group composition  Teacher  Principal/AP  Central Office Staff  Union Partner

11  Number off 1-4  Teams > 4, assign two people to 3 and 4  As you read, highlight assigned topic 1. practices already in place in your district 2. practices that are different than current practice 3. practices that are required by law 4. practices that are not required by law but support teacher growth  Whip – Each person shares what they learned (up to 3 minutes per person)  Whip – Each person identifies one implication for the work moving forward. Record on chart paper.  Continue whip until all implications are exhausted

12 Student Growth  Examine the three student growth criteria  Identify implications and decisions  Brainstorm possible assessments  What evidence/artifacts would be necessary in order to rate these portions of the rubric?

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