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Review Rules and Procedures January 2016. Rules 1. Follow directions the first time given 2. Keep hands, feet, objects, and negative comments to yourself.

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Presentation on theme: "Review Rules and Procedures January 2016. Rules 1. Follow directions the first time given 2. Keep hands, feet, objects, and negative comments to yourself."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review Rules and Procedures January 2016

2 Rules 1. Follow directions the first time given 2. Keep hands, feet, objects, and negative comments to yourself 3. Respect the property and feelings of others 4. Raise your hand to get permission to talk or leave your seat 5. Stay on task

3 Consequences Number of times warnedConsequence First timeVerbal Warming Second time5 minutes off recess Third timePhone call/Note home & No recess Fourth timeAfterschool detention 3:00-3:45pm Fifth timeSent to office with a referral

4 Getting Your attention I will put up my Longhorn symbol and say “Longhorns!!” All students will put up their Longhorn as well. 1. Eyes on the teacher 2. Mouth is quiet 3. Ears are listening 4. Hands are free 5. Body is still After I have your attention, I will begin speaking.

5 Opening Procedures Please enter room quietly. Hang your backpack on your chair (or in your locker when available). Place homework in the correct bin. Take out your materials. Refer to the board and quietly start the problem of the day.

6 How to line up When you are called…. Quickly and quietly stand up Push in your chair Stand in a straight line facing forward.

7 Hallway Behavior Stay on the right side of the hallway. Always look forward – we don’t want any accidents! Remain quiet – other classes are learning.

8 Clean Up/End of Class Place your journals back in the bin. Clean up my supplies as well as your supplies. Clear out your desk and check your area– no trash!

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