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1 Stony Brook Update Back to the Future T.K. Hemmick.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Stony Brook Update Back to the Future T.K. Hemmick."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Stony Brook Update Back to the Future T.K. Hemmick

2 2 HBD Group Asks to bring East Back East detector has been troublesome –15% dead in May 2009 –5% dead in June 2009 Cause is known: West detector built using intrinsically cleaner and quicker procedure Solution: Bring the East Home, swap out bad GEMs

3 3 Laminar Hood Ready Laminar table running well Matt and Jiayin are in charge. Benji and Megan assist. Whole tent cleaned. All fans on.

4 4 Evaporator Ready: Cyropump cold (17 K) Turbo running smoothly Thickness monitor working. pAmmeter & D 2 lamp working (sees PMT). Chamber walls baked. Boats heated beyond operating point Vacuum very good and getting better.

5 5 Glovebox Fresh gloves in 4/6 stations. 3 more pairs of gloves on their way. Presently flushing with N 2 Will complete regeneration of scrubbers today (Tuesday). Fresh HEPA filters for ceiling on their way.

6 6 LEGS Running Recirculating through closed loop (no HBD) All systems working. Benji updated LabVIEW display to highlight true path of gas (what we use) and indicate our past plumbing changes.

7 7 Odds and Ends… Shipment of Lucite Boxes: –Rich packed these Tuesday. –Shipping had a complaint and left Rich phone mail on Thursday. –Rich was away since Thursday. –We discovered only yesterday afternoon that the lucite boxes did not yet ship. –These will go out today. DI water system (units are rentals) to be re-installed Friday this week. We are on schedule and ready for work.

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