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A French Explorer.  Jacques Cartier is from France and before the French King sent him to his dramatic journey his occupation was a sailor and navigator.

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Presentation on theme: "A French Explorer.  Jacques Cartier is from France and before the French King sent him to his dramatic journey his occupation was a sailor and navigator."— Presentation transcript:

1 A French Explorer

2  Jacques Cartier is from France and before the French King sent him to his dramatic journey his occupation was a sailor and navigator.

3  Jacques Cartier’s motives for his dramatic adventure were finding China for their valuable riches, finding a route to Asia, and for delicious spices.

4  Jacques Cartier left to explore to go on his adventures journey on 1534 and came back from his journey on 1542.  Jacques Cartier discovered the new found land on 1534 and named it “ New France”.  In present day Canada

5  Since Jacques Cartier is from France, the French claimed the land. He also found a water way and named it Saint [ St.] Lawrence. While he was adventuring he came upon two difficulties. First, he ran out of food. Lastly, he harsh and rough winters.

6  Jacques Cartier claimed land for France.  He even provided new information for maps.  Soon he established a new settlement.

7  While Jacques Cartier was mapping out St. Lawrence { the water way he found } Indians helped him, he saw their village, and brought the Chief back to France to see the King. The Chief told the King about great riches farther west.  He also kid napped two of the Chiefs sons.  He was born on December 31, 1491.  He died on September 1, 1557.  He was born and died in the same place, Saint-Malo, France.

8 By Landon Jenkinson Avery Bowmen Le-Thi Stephens


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