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Nu Xu The 6 th Asia Triangle Heavy-Ion Conference, New Delhi, India, February 15 - 19, 2016 1/25 “ The 6th Asian Triangle Heavy-Ion Conference ” – New.

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Presentation on theme: "Nu Xu The 6 th Asia Triangle Heavy-Ion Conference, New Delhi, India, February 15 - 19, 2016 1/25 “ The 6th Asian Triangle Heavy-Ion Conference ” – New."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nu Xu The 6 th Asia Triangle Heavy-Ion Conference, New Delhi, India, February 15 - 19, 2016 1/25 “ The 6th Asian Triangle Heavy-Ion Conference ” – New Delhi, India, February 15 – 19, 2016 OVERVIEW Nu Xu (1,2) (1) College of Physical Science & Technology, Central China Normal University, China (2) Nuclear Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA Many Thanks to Organizers!

2 1 st ATHIC: 2006, Seoul, Korea 2 nd ATHIC: 2008, Tsukuba, Japan 3 rd ATHIC: 2010, Wuhan, China 4 th ATHIC: 2012, Pusan, Korea 5 th ATHIC: 2014, Osaka, Japan 6 th ATHIC: 2016, New Delhi, India 7 th ATHIC: 2018, xxx (IAC meeting this week) ATHIC: Asian Triangle Heavy-Ion Conference Go Science Go Young People

3 Nu Xu The 6 th Asia Triangle Heavy-Ion Conference, New Delhi, India, February 15 - 19, 2016 3/25 OUTLINE 1)U.S. (NSAC LRP) RECOMMENDATIONS 2)Selected Results 3)Future Direction: BES-III

4 THE SCIENTIFIC QUESTIONS 1.How did visible matter come into being and how does it evolve? 2.How does subatomic matter organize itself and what phenomena emerge? 3.Are the fundamental interactions that are basic to the structure of matter fully understand? 4.How can the knowledge and technical progress provided by nuclear physics best to be used to benefit society?

5 U.S. NSAC 2015 RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendation I: The progress achieved under the guidance of the 2007 Long Range Plan has reinforced U.S. world leadership in nuclear science. The highest priority is this 2015 Plan is to capitalize on the investments made. 1. Physics after the CEBAF 12-GeV upgrade; 2. Completing FRIB construction; 3. Fundamental symmetries; 4. “The upgraded RHIC facility provides unique capabilities that must be utilize to explore the properties and phases of quark and gluon matter in the highest temperatures of the early university and to explore the spin structure of the proton.” Recommendation II: We recommend the timely development and deployment of a U.S.-led tow-scale neutrinoless double beta decay experiment. Recommendation III: We recommend a high-energy high luminosity polarized EIC as the highest priority for new facility construction following the completion of FRIB. Recommendation IV: We recommend increasing investment in small-scale and mid-scale projects and initiatives that enable forefront research at universities and laboratories.

6 Nu Xu The 6 th Asia Triangle Heavy-Ion Conference, New Delhi, India, February 15 - 19, 2016 6/25 From Berndt Mueller, January 2016

7 Nu Xu The 6 th Asia Triangle Heavy-Ion Conference, New Delhi, India, February 15 - 19, 2016 7/25 LHC, RHIC, FAIR (JPARC) I 2000 - 2012: RHIC, LHC 1)sQGP: strongly coupled QGP, η/S =>0, ideal fluid. 2)At μ B = 0 smooth cross over. I 2000 - 2012: RHIC, LHC 1)sQGP: strongly coupled QGP, η/S =>0, ideal fluid. 2)At μ B = 0 smooth cross over. II 2010 - 2014: RHIC BES-I (20≤ μ B ≤420 MeV, 200 ≥ √s NN ≥ 7.7 GeV) 1)√s NN ≤15 GeV, μ B ≥ 300 MeV: Hadronic interactions become dominant. 2)Collectivity and fluctuation results hint phase transition. However, more data are needed to confirm. RHIC BESII and FAIR CBM. II 2010 - 2014: RHIC BES-I (20≤ μ B ≤420 MeV, 200 ≥ √s NN ≥ 7.7 GeV) 1)√s NN ≤15 GeV, μ B ≥ 300 MeV: Hadronic interactions become dominant. 2)Collectivity and fluctuation results hint phase transition. However, more data are needed to confirm. RHIC BESII and FAIR CBM. III 2019 and beyond: Collider: RHIC BES-II (7.7<√s NN < 20 GeV, 420 ≥ μ B ≥ 300 MeV) Fixed-target: FAIR CBM (√s NN ≤12 GeV, 750 ≥ μ B ≥ 300 MeV) 1)High luminosity, new & high-tech detectors 2)Physics focus : Criticality and Chirality III 2019 and beyond: Collider: RHIC BES-II (7.7<√s NN < 20 GeV, 420 ≥ μ B ≥ 300 MeV) Fixed-target: FAIR CBM (√s NN ≤12 GeV, 750 ≥ μ B ≥ 300 MeV) 1)High luminosity, new & high-tech detectors 2)Physics focus : Criticality and Chirality

8 Nu Xu The 6 th Asia Triangle Heavy-Ion Conference, New Delhi, India, February 15 - 19, 2016 8/25 QCD Thermodynamics SB Ideal Gas RHIC 1)At μ B = 0: cross over transition, 140 < T c < 160 MeV 2)T ini (LHC) ~ 2-3*T ini (RHIC) 3)Thermalized evolutions are similar for RHIC @ LHC 4)RHIC BES and FAIR: large μ B, rapid changes occurs Zoltan Fodor, Lattice 2007 LHCFAIR

9 Nu Xu The 6 th Asia Triangle Heavy-Ion Conference, New Delhi, India, February 15 - 19, 2016 9/25 2 RHIC 3 RHIC, FAIR Exploring QCD Phase Structure 1 LHC, RHIC Quarkyonic matter? RHIC For region μ B > 500 MeV, √s NN ≤ 5 GeV, fixed- target experiments are much more efficient CBM LHC+RHIC Property of sQGP √s NN ~ 0.1 - 5 TeV LHC+RHIC Property of sQGP √s NN ~ 0.1 - 5 TeV RHIC + FAiR* CP and Quarkyonic Matter? √s NN ≤ 8 GeV RHIC + FAiR* CP and Quarkyonic Matter? √s NN ≤ 8 GeV

10 Charm Productions In central collisions, J/ψ 1) Yield: R AA (LHC) > R AA (RHIC) 2) Mean p T : r AA (LHC) < r AA (RHIC)  Charm-q thermalized at LHC ALICE: PLB 743, 314(2014) K. Zhou et al., NP A, (1(2016); arXiv: 1601.00278

11 Nu Xu The 6 th Asia Triangle Heavy-Ion Conference, New Delhi, India, February 15 - 19, 2016 11/25 Heavy Flavor Tracker at RHIC STAR Preliminary Studying sQGP properties: D 0 R AA : precision result D 0 v 2: First measurement at RHIC. Finite value of v 2, ≤ v 2 (light hadrons) => Charm quarks are not fully thermalized at RHIC Model Comparison: D C = 2~12. Consistent with Lattice calculations STAR Preliminary

12 Nu Xu The 6 th Asia Triangle Heavy-Ion Conference, New Delhi, India, February 15 - 19, 2016 12/25 STAR HF-II Program (2022-2023) RHIC 200 GeV pp and AuAu runs in 2021 and 2022 1)Precise bottom-hadron measurements with HFT + 2)Complete HF physics at RHIC, extract property of sQGP 3)Complementary to ALICE HF and sPHENIX Jet/Upsilon programs HFT + with Faster MAPS sensors Faster: τ int ≤ 40 μs, improved tracking efficiency Cost effective: ALICE ITS chips and existing HFT infrastructure

13 Nu Xu The 6 th Asia Triangle Heavy-Ion Conference, New Delhi, India, February 15 - 19, 2016 13/25 Freeze-outs Kinetic Freeze-out: - Central collisions => lower value of T fo and larger collectivity β T - Stronger collectivity at higher collision energy Chemical Freeze-out: (GCE) - Weak temperature dependence - Centrality dependence μ B ! - Lattice prediction on CP around μ B ~ 300 – 400 MeV ALICE: B.Abelev et al., PRL109, 252301(12); PRC88, 044910(2013). STAR: J. Adams, et al., NPA757, 102(05); X.L. Zhu, NPA931, c1098(14); L. Kumar, NPA931, c1114(14 )

14 Nu Xu The 6 th Asia Triangle Heavy-Ion Conference, New Delhi, India, February 15 - 19, 2016 14/25 Directed Flow v 1 STAR Protons, pion: PRL112, 162301(2014) STAR Lambda, Kaon: Preliminary 1)Mid-rapidity net-proton dv 1 /dy published in 2014 by STAR, except the point at 14.5 GeV 2)Dip at √s NN = 14.5 GeV for net- proton, but net-Kaon data continue decreasing as energy decreases 3)At low energy, or in the region where the net-baryon density is large, repulsive force is expected, v 1 slope is large and positive! M. Isse, A. Onishi et al, PRC72, 064908(05)

15 Nu Xu The 6 th Asia Triangle Heavy-Ion Conference, New Delhi, India, February 15 - 19, 2016 15/25 Elliptic Flow v 2 (a)Hydro + Transport: Baryon results fit [J. Steinheimer, et al. PR C86, 44902(13)] (b) NJL model: Sensitive to vector-coupling, CME, μ B driven. [J. Xu, et al., PRL112.012301(14)] (c) Hydro solution: Chemical potential μ B and viscosity η/s driven! [Hatta et al. PR D91, 085024(15); D92, 114010(15) //NP A947, 155(16)]

16 Critical Point Search: Higher Moments 1)Acceptance is important for all measurements. 2)Net-p shows non-monotonic energy dependence in the most central Au+Au collisions at √s NN < 27 GeV! PHENIX: talk by P. Garg at QM2015; STAR: talk by J. Thäder; poster by J. Xu at QM2015 In STAR: σ(Q)> σ(K)> σ(p) BES-II 7.7 < √s NN < 20 GeV BES-II 7.7 < √s NN < 20 GeV

17 Nu Xu The 6 th Asia Triangle Heavy-Ion Conference, New Delhi, India, February 15 - 19, 2016 17/25 Un-observed s-Hadrons 1)LQCD, from higher order fluctuations, predicts more un- observed strangeness hadrons in high-energy nuclear collisions. 2)STAR’s BES-I singles measurements show little sensitivity. Higher order fluctuations? L. Kumar, NPA931, c1114(14 ) S. Mukherjee, et al, January, 2016

18 Nu Xu The 6 th Asia Triangle Heavy-Ion Conference, New Delhi, India, February 15 - 19, 2016 18/25 Net-proton Higher Moment Question: What will happen at even lower collision energy, higher baryon density, region? √s NN (GeV)

19 Model Results: Higher Moments 1)Baryon conservations and deuteron productions suppress the higher order net-proton fluctuations, especially below √s NN ~ 10 GeV 2)But, data is above the unity! Z. Feckova, et al., 1510.05519, PRC92, 064908(15) X.F. Luo et al, NP A931, 808(14); P.K. Netrakanti et al. 1405.4617, accepted by NPA; P. Garg et al. Phys. Lett. B726, 691(13) √s NN (GeV)

20 Nu Xu The 6 th Asia Triangle Heavy-Ion Conference, New Delhi, India, February 15 - 19, 2016 20/25 CBM@SPS CBM@FAIR or HI@JPARC CBM@FAIR or HI@JPARC RHIC Fix-Target Experiments FXT

21 Facility for Antiproton & Ion Research: FAIR SIS100 SIS18 CBM p-Linac SIS100 Beams: 10 9 /s Au <11 GeV/u, √s NN <5.4 GeV 10 9 /s C, Ca,... <14 GeV/u 10 11 /s p <29 GeV 100 m CBM: FAIR Day-1 Experiment!

22 Nu Xu The 6 th Asia Triangle Heavy-Ion Conference, New Delhi, India, February 15 - 19, 2016 22/25 CBM Experiment at FAIR TOF MVD/STS PSD EMCal RICH/TRD Target FAIR: One of the highest intensity accelerator complex in the 21 st century Precision measurements at high baryon density region for: (i) Dileptons (e, μ); (ii) High order correlations; (iii) Flavor productions (s, c)

23 Nu Xu The 6 th Asia Triangle Heavy-Ion Conference, New Delhi, India, February 15 - 19, 2016 23/25 CBM@BNL 2020 - 2025 CBM@AGS √s NN ≤ 5.4 GeV E, e, μ ID PID eveID TRK Magnet CBM E, e, μ ID PID eveID TRK Magnet CBM 2025 - … CBM@eRHIC √s NN ≤ 14 GeV 1)Study QCD phase structure 2)Maintain heavy ion community 3)CBM@eRHIC is an add on cost 1)Study QCD phase structure 2)Maintain heavy ion community 3)CBM@eRHIC is an add on cost AGS eRHIC

24 Nu Xu The 6 th Asia Triangle Heavy-Ion Conference, New Delhi, India, February 15 - 19, 2016 24/25 Exploring QCD Phase Structure Quarkyonic matter? RHIC CBM LHC+RHIC Property of sQGP 0.2 ≤ √s NN ≤ 5.4 TeV LHC+RHIC Property of sQGP 0.2 ≤ √s NN ≤ 5.4 TeV RHIC BES-II Critical point 1 st phase boundary 7.7 ≤ √s NN ≤ 20 GeV RHIC BES-II Critical point 1 st phase boundary 7.7 ≤ √s NN ≤ 20 GeV FAiR, FXT BES-III Critical region, 1 st pb, Quarkyonic Matter 2 ≤ √s NN ≤ 8 GeV FAiR, FXT BES-III Critical region, 1 st pb, Quarkyonic Matter 2 ≤ √s NN ≤ 8 GeV

25 Thank you ! 감사합니다 ! (Comesahmeda) ありがとうございま す ! धन्यवाद् ! (DhanyaVad) 谢谢 !

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