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There are several awards available to students. The following is a list of possibilities for this year: Highest Academic Achievement Overall Highest Academic.

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Presentation on theme: "There are several awards available to students. The following is a list of possibilities for this year: Highest Academic Achievement Overall Highest Academic."— Presentation transcript:

1 There are several awards available to students. The following is a list of possibilities for this year: Highest Academic Achievement Overall Highest Academic Achievement Wildcat Award Fine Arts Awards Athletic Awards

2 - 1 winner from each grade homeroom - based on the overall average of 4 core classes (5 cores for French Immersion students) prior to final exams. - Winner MUST have an “E” in Religion class - Fall award

3 Overall Highest Academic Achievement 1 student from each grade level with the highest overall core average, including an ‘E’ in religion, will be declared. (5 cores for French Immersion students) Mark is determined PRIOR to final exams St. Francis of Assisi Award – Grade 7 Father Keon Award – Grade 8 Sister Alice Daly Award – Grade 9

4 Wildcat Award (June Award )  30 point minimum  Multiple winners from homerooms  Criteria  Chocolate Sales *  Office Visits (possible 10 points)  Attendance (possible 10 points)  Participation in Theme Days (possible 10 points)  Service (possible 10 points)


6 Office Visits  1 office visit = 9 points Attendance  Missed 1 day (8 periods) = 10 points School Theme Days  Dressed up for 5 days = 8 points Chocolate Sales  Sold 3 boxes = eligible for the award Service  5 hours scorekeeping  9 hours scorekeeping intramurals  2 hours helping with Dance set-up  15 minutes Greeter at Mass  2 hours Grade 6 tours Total hours = 18.25 – 9 points Total point total = 38 points

7  Levelled criteria based on points earned through participation in any or all of the possible Fine Arts activities, along with consideration for outside Fine Art involvement. o Fine Arts Co-curricular Hours – possible 10 points o Community Hours - possible 5 points o Office Visits - possible 10 points o Enrollment in classes - possible 10 points

8  School Fine Arts Production (Annie)  Band Trip  Music Monday Participation  Drama Christmas Plays  Band Christmas Concert  Art Studio Display at Christmas  Dance Performance

9 Any Fine Arts activities outside of what the school offers: Dance lessons Music Lessons Art Lessons Drama lessons Fine Arts Camps 91 – 100+ hours = 5 points 81 -90 hours (4.5 points) 71 – 80 hours (4 points) 61 – 70 hours (3.5 points) 51 – 60 hours (3 points) 41 – 50 hours (2.5 points) 31 – 40 hours (2 points) 21 – 30 hours (1.5 points) 11- 20 hours (1 point) 1- 10 hours (.5 point)

10 Dance Improv In Theatre Guitar Wham, Boom,Pop Song Writing and Pop Vocals History of Rock Theatre for Young Audiences Prop Making Cartooning, Comics and Graphic novels Animation Figure Drawing and Portraiture Printmaking Portraiture Sculpture Drama Choir Band

11 Fine Arts Classes Points 10 99 88 77 66 55 44 33 22 11 French Immersion Students are prorated points based on available classes.






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