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Mohammad Alipour Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz Branch.

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1 Mohammad Alipour Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz Branch

2 Teaching materials are a key component in most language programs. They generally serve as the basis for much of the language input received and the language practice. They can also serve as a form of teacher training for inexperiend teachers on how to plan and teach lessons. Their role

3 Commercial materials can take the form of: Printed materials such as books and readers. Non-printed materials such as audio & video materials. Materials comparing both print & non-print such as materials on the Internet. Moreover, non-pedagogic materials such as TV & magazines can play a role. Commercial materials

4 Cummingsworth (1995) summaries their roles: A resource for presentation of materials (written & spoken ) A source of activities for learner practice. A reference source on grammar, vocabulary, etc. A source of stimulation & ideas for activities. A syllabus. A support for less experienced teachers to gain confidence. Materials can also be a source of motivation & progression for learners to follow.

5 For teachers, they can be the primary teaching resources, basis for the lesson content, & the balance of skills taught. For learners, they may provide the major source of content apart from the teacher.

6 They provide structure & a syllabus for a program. They help standardize instruction by giving similar content to all students. They maintain quality. They provide a variety of learning resources. Advantages

7 They are efficient by saving time. They provide effective language model & input. They can train teachers. They are visually appealing.

8 They may contain in authentic language. They may distort content by not representing real world issues. They may not reflect students’ needs because they are designed for global markets. They can deskill teachers by reducing them to technicians. They are expensive. Disadvantages

9 Most teachers are not creators of materials but providers of good materials. Dudley-Evans & John (1998) suggest that good providers will be able to: Select appropriately from what is available. Be creative with what is available. Modify activities with what is available. Supplement by providing extra activities. Adapting textbooks

10 Adaption can take the following forms: Modifying content Adding or deleting content Reorganizing content Modifying tasks Extending tasks Adopting textbooks requires skills to develop. This way, the teacher personalizes the textbook & individualizes it for a particular group of learners. This requires time.

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