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First Port of Call Christopher Columbus plorers/page/c/columbus.shtml Christopher Columbus Video (Time 2:50)

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Presentation on theme: "First Port of Call Christopher Columbus plorers/page/c/columbus.shtml Christopher Columbus Video (Time 2:50)"— Presentation transcript:

1 First Port of Call Christopher Columbus plorers/page/c/columbus.shtml Christopher Columbus Video (Time 2:50) o.php?video_id=191333 1.What is the name of your captain? 2.Who sponsored his travels? 3.What did he want to establish? 4.What did he need in order to start out on his trip? 5.What are the names of his ships? 6.How many voyages did he make? 7.What did he discover on his first voyage? 8.How was life aboard the ships? 9.What do you know about his death and burial?

2 Second Port of Call Giovanni da Verrazzano   http://ageofex.marinersmuseu r&id=22 http://ageofex.marinersmuseu r&id=22  1.What is known about his childhood?  2.What were his first voyages?  3.Who sponsored his voyages to North America?  4.What was he searching for?  5.What did he think North American was?  6.Who accompanied him on his voyage to North America?  7.Why were his descriptions of his voyages so important?  8.What were his main discoveries & accomplishments?

3 Third Port of Call Jacques Cartier 1.Who was Jacques Cartier? 2.How many voyages did he make? 3.What did he take back to France on his first & second voyages? 4.Why did he capture Native Americans? 5.Who sponsored his trips? 6.What other explorer is he thought to have accompanied on a voyage to North America? 7.What was his primary achievement?  http://ageofex.marinersm e=explorer&id=17 http://ageofex.marinersm e=explorer&id=17

4 Fourth Port of Call Samuel de Champlain 1.What was Samuel de Champlain’s nationality? 2.Looking at his early life and career, what did he “discover” after joining the French Army? 3.What was his primary goal? 4.How did he learn about the waterways of the region (Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, Niagara Falls, and the rapids of the St. Lawrence River)? 5.During his second journey, he build a fort which later became what Canadian city? 6.Which 2 diseases killed Native Americans during his second journey? 7.What were his major achievements? ndex.php?type=explorer&id=1  m/explorers/page/c/champlain.sht ml m/explorers/page/c/champlain.sht ml

5 Fifth Port of Call Henry Hudson  http://ageofex.marinersmuseum.o rg/index.php?type=explorer&id=15 http://ageofex.marinersmuseum.o rg/index.php?type=explorer&id=15  Be sure to also click on the Photo entitled “Henry Hudson, The Celebrated and Unfortunate Navigator, Abandoned by His Crew in Hudson’s Bay the 11th of June 1610,” by Francis Davignon.  /explorers/page/h/hudson.shtml /explorers/page/h/hudson.shtml 1.Who sponsored Hudson’s voyages & what did they hope to accomplish? 2.What was Hudson’s primary goal? 3.Which bodies of water are named in his honor? 4.How, where, & when did he die? 5.Why do you think Hudson was called The Celebrated and Unfortunate Navigator?

6 Sixth & Final Port of Call Sir Frances Drake & Giovanni Caboto (John Cabot)  dex.php?type=explorer&id=27 dex.php?type=explorer&id=27  dex.php?type=explorer&id=74 dex.php?type=explorer&id=74  plorers/page/c/cabot.shtml plorers/page/c/cabot.shtml 1.What is the meaning of Caboto’s name? 2.What was the name of the small ship he sailed to Canada in 1497? 3.What were his goals & achievements as an explorer? 4.How many voyages (attempts) did he make? 5.What happened on the 3 rd voyage? 1.What was Sir Frances Drake’s primary goal? 2.What was the goal of Drake’s 2 nd voyage? Describe what that means. 3.What were Drake’s achievements & what is he most well known for?

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