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How does China relate to the world economy today?.

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Presentation on theme: "How does China relate to the world economy today?."— Presentation transcript:

1 How does China relate to the world economy today?


3 British Opium Trade



6 The Opium War 1839

7 Treaty of Nanjing 1842

8 Continued Wars 1856-1858

9 Taiping Rebellion 1850-1864

10 Qing Dynasty

11 Hong Xiuquan

12 Disapproval of Western Culture

13 Self-Strengthening Movement

14 Sino-Japanese War 1894

15 Open Door Policy

16 Hundred Days of Reform

17 Boxer Rebellion 1899


19 Sun Yixian

20 December of 1911

21 In Class Essay You are an advisor to the empress of China Ci Xi. She is asking for your expertise in matters of state. Specifically on whether China should Westernize and modernize. Write a persuasive essay that either supports or opposes reform efforts to Westernize or Modernize China in the 1800s. Make a T-Chart listing arguments for or against modernizing reforms Write a thesis that supports your argument-- and persuades the empress of your position.

22 Your essay needs to provide three examples that back up your thesis statement Three paragraphs Intro Body Conclusion

23 Can be written as a letter Or can be a simple persuasive essay

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