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Understand Chinese History of 1840-1911 Wanli Hu The China Program Center University College.

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Presentation on theme: "Understand Chinese History of 1840-1911 Wanli Hu The China Program Center University College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understand Chinese History of 1840-1911 Wanli Hu The China Program Center University College

2 Contents 1. Dynastic Cycle 2. Challenge from the West 3. Challenge & Reaction 4. Collapse of the Qing Dynasty

3 1-1. The Dynastic Cycle

4 1-2. China’s Share of World GDP

5 2. Challenge from the West Lord George Macartney meets Emperor Qianlong Military defeats Territorial loss Economic consequence Social disturbances Diplomatic submission Political changes Cultural attitude

6 2-1. Emperor Qianlong met Lord George Macartney in 1793

7 Macartney’s Mission: Asked for free trade and open cities as trading ports Qianlong’s reply: “We possess all things. I set no value on objects strange or ingenious, and have no use for your country’s manufactures.” “It behooves you, O King, to respect my sentiments and to display even greater devotion and loyalty in future, so that, by perpetual submission to our Throne, you may secure peace and prosperity for your country thereafter.”

8 2-2. Military Defeats The First Opium War from 1839-1842 A great change in more than three thousand years of history” – Li Hongzhang –Lin Zexu, Imperial Commissioner –The Nanking Treaty The Second Opium War from 1856-1860 The Sino-French War from 1883-85 The Sino-Japan War from 1894-95 China vs. Eight Powers in 1900 The Sino-Japanese War from 1931-1945

9 2-3. Foreign Powers in China

10 2-4. Territorial Loss Hong Kong Macao Taiwan Korean Vietnam Northeast Mongolia

11 2-5. Domestic Rebellions

12 2-6. Self-sufficient Economy Disintegrated 2-7 Political Power Transferred to Han Gentry from Manchu 2-8 Diplomatic Submission –Extraterritoriality –Custom House controlled by Robert Hart 2-9 Cultural Attitude Transferred from Superiority to Self-depreciation

13 3. Challenge and Reaction 3-1. The Self-strengthening Movement from 1861-95 Weaponry Military Industry Increase national wealth through industrialization “Learn superior barbarian technique with which to repel the barbarians”- Wei Yuan Key persons: Zeng Guofan Li Hongzhang Zhang Zidong

14 3-2. Political Institutional Transformation Political Reform : 100-Day Reform “The New Deal” - to transfer an absolute monarch to a constitutional monarch –Empress Dowager Ci Xi vs. Emperor Guangxu Sun Yah-sen’s Revolution in 1911 Collapse of the Qing Dynasty

15 Thank you! Questions?

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