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ECER2009, Vienna 30/09/09 Mirror, signal, manouevre: developing indicators and instruments to enhance European science teacher education. Michel Grangeat.

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Presentation on theme: "ECER2009, Vienna 30/09/09 Mirror, signal, manouevre: developing indicators and instruments to enhance European science teacher education. Michel Grangeat."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECER2009, Vienna 30/09/09 Mirror, signal, manouevre: developing indicators and instruments to enhance European science teacher education. Michel Grangeat (UPMF, Grenoble), Jim McNally & Allan Blake (Strathclyde, Glasgow), Geir Karlsen & Peter Gray (NTNU, Trondheim) discussant Alex Gröschner

2 ECER2009, Vienna 30/09/09 S-TEAM - Theory and evidence in a European Pedagogical field. Peter Gray ECER 2009 Vienna

3 ECER2009, Vienna 30/09/09 Or... What is gained from inquiry?

4 ECER2009, Vienna 30/09/09 Types of professional knowledge Embrained Encoded Embodied Embedded* * Lam, A. (2000). 'Tacit knowledge, organizational learning and societal institutions: An integrated framework' Organization Studies, 21, 3: 487-513.

5 ECER2009, Vienna 30/09/09 What is S-TEAM? 100 people/25 institutions/15 countries Involved in science teacher education Potential reach: 480,000 science teachers Providing a tool kit for science teacher education, using inquiry based methods


7 ECER2009, Vienna 30/09/09 EU policy Encouraging inquiry... Increasing scientific literacy More scientists (STEM) What would count as success?

8 ECER2009, Vienna 30/09/09 S-TEAM Aims Improve scientific literacy and.. Increase popularity of MST careers Through.... Better student engagement Through... Better teaching

9 ECER2009, Vienna 30/09/09Gray, Jorde & Karlsen: ESERA 2009 Istanbul Possible indicators Pupils demonstrate improved scientific literacy More pupils become scientists When? What counts?

10 ECER2009, Vienna 30/09/09 Confounding factors Both scientific literacy and STEM employment are influenced by factors other than IBST.e.g. Media Labour market Who is asking the questions?..

11 ECER2009, Vienna 30/09/09Gray, Jorde & Karlsen: ESERA 2009 Istanbul The essence of inquiry in science Curiosity? Investigative Autonomy? Problem-solving? Collaborative working? But these can apply to any subject Therefore, the adoption of inquiry as a pedagogical method can excite pupil interest in other subjects as well as science

12 ECER2009, Vienna 30/09/09 Wait a minute... 1.Scientific methods are what make science unique 2.Not just a transferable set of skills... 3....but something which has created a body of knowledge different from e.g. history 4.Therefore inquiry needs to take place in the context of this body of knowledge 5....which needs to surface through good teaching

13 ECER2009, Vienna 30/09/09 The Pedagogical field and European Science Education The pedagogy of science education in any national context is determined by – Curriculum design – Assessment frameworks –Teacher knowledge base –Teacher education –Research influence and dissemination –Resources –Prevailing social policies and attitudes

14 ECER2009, Vienna 30/09/09 Indicators Formative tools for teacher learning Promoting the collective element of teacher learning Keeping project on track Need to be targeted - some things cannot be measured

15 ECER2009, Vienna 30/09/09 Dimensions Active learning Content focus Coherence Collective participation Duration

16 ECER2009, Vienna 30/09/09 Dimensions - 2 Emotional Structural relational Material Ethical Temporal Cognitive

17 ECER2009, Vienna 30/09/09 For discussion What can be measured? Political impact of measurement Challenges of working within FP7 Support vs research - avoiding the r- word Learning flow - both directions

18 ECER2009, Vienna 30/09/09 Thank you for listening!

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