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PIA 3393 Comparative Public Management and Policy.

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Presentation on theme: "PIA 3393 Comparative Public Management and Policy."— Presentation transcript:

1 PIA 3393 Comparative Public Management and Policy

2 1. Grand Synthesis 2. Literary Map 3. Golden Oldies

3 Ferrel Heady Died August 16, 2006  1916-2006

4  1. Structural Characteristics  2. Processes  3. Policy Debates  4. Dysfunction

5 1. Scientific Management: Time and Motion- (Taylor) 2. Human Resource Management: Social Comfort- Hawthorne Experiments 3. Dysfunctionalism- “Yes Minister” and Kafka 4. Corruption and Culture-Klitguaard 5. Bashing Bureaucrats: Miewald and Barzeley


7 1. Authoritarian 2. Mobilizing Regime- Party Dominant 3. Fused- Cabinet Government 4. Separation of Powers- “Congressional” 5. Federal vs. Unitary 6. Territorial (Cantonal) vs. Corporate

8 1. Not reality 2. A kind of Model 3. Deviations can be measured 4. Method: By comparison to the model

9 An Ideal Type Matrix

10 “What is wrong with this Picture?”

11 1. Organization highly differentiated 2. Rational decisions and procedures 3. High activity levels and efficiency 4. Power and authority are legitimate 5. Popular involvement and acceptance of procedures and decisions

12 a. Merit Selection b. Hierarchy- Chain of Command c. Division of Labor and functional specialization d. Administrative work: full time, no sinecures e. Contractual agreement f. Professional or technical training

13 “Very Impressive, my colleague.... but does it also work in theory”

14  From the World of Samuel P. Huntington Political Order in Changing Societies Political Order in Changing Societies


16  Civil Service Reform: Exchequer  Administrative Reform- includes Parastatals  Structural Reforms- Organizational Focus  Policy Reforms- Focus on state functions  Organizational and Motivational Reforms


18 George Wallace” “They are all burro crats”


20 1. Shortage of Skilled Professionals 2. Structures Imported and “imitative” of classical European Structures 3. Personalization of public sector actions 4. Formalism rather than realism 5. Lack of Operational opportunity



23 Ten Minutes


25 1. “Sala” and the Iron Triangle” 2. Satisficing, incrementalism and budget reform 3. Oversight Failure: Press, Civil Society and Legislature (Transparency) 4. Public goods Failures- Explains Corruption 5. Rent Seeking 6. Free Rider Problems

26 1. Detailed monthly budget approvals 2. Centrally-driven strategic planning 3. Powerful staff members with no line responsibility 4. Many-layered approval procedures 5. Many-layered, strictly observed payment bands 6. Rigid status symbols 7. Hefty corporate manuals and "bibles"

27 Is Corruption Contextual?

28  "...the Sala is associated with unequal distribution of services, institutionalized corruption, inefficiency in rule application, nepotism in recruitment, bureaucratic enclaves dominated by motives of self- protection, and, in general, a pronounced gap between formal expectations and actual behavior....“  Ferrel Heady

29 A Multi-functional Room



32 1. Bureaucracy as Authoritarian a. Subject b. Citizen c. Customer

33 2. Bureaucracy as Controlling a. The Perfect Library- No books checked out b. Tied up in Red Tape- The red ribbon which ties up files in U.K. c. Standard Operating Procedures

34 1. Traditional 2. Personalist/Charismatic 3. Unstable Pendulum Regimes 4. Administrative States/Organizational Bourgeoisie 5. Military Regimes


36 1. Pluralist Systems- Interest Group Access Issues 2. Dominant Party Regimes- defacto of de jure “no party states” 1. Mobilization Regimes: Populist vs. Leninist 2. Totalitarian Regimes: Fascist vs. Communist


38 “Red vs. Expert”

39  Huey P. Long and “All the King’s Men”

40 Robert Penn WarrenHuey P. Long  Louisiana or Italy?  Is He Willy Stark?


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