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Gap Closing Grade 6 Number Sense. Your Questions What questions do you have?

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Presentation on theme: "Gap Closing Grade 6 Number Sense. Your Questions What questions do you have?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gap Closing Grade 6 Number Sense

2 Your Questions What questions do you have?

3 What is Gap Closing? “The Gap Closing package is designed to help teachers provide precisely targeted remediation for students who they identify as being significantly behind in mathematics. The goal is to close gaps in Number Sense so that the students can be successful in learning grade-appropriate mathematics.” [Facilitator’s Guide, Introduction] Please turn to the Introduction in the Facilitator’s Guide

4 Features of Gap Closing Materials Diagnostics Intervention materials: Open Question and/or Think Sheet for each topic Differentiated Instruction 3-Part Structure

5 How do I use these materials? Who will benefit? What does the intervention look like in my classroom? How much time will it take? How will I know what to do next?

6 Gap Closing and Tiered Intervention

7 Selecting Students Identify students who you believe will benefit Administer diagnostic Evaluate diagnostic results, using the chart

8 The Diagnostic Diagnostics are designed to uncover the typical problems that students have with a specific topic Provide accommodations as outlined in IEPs Help students to understand the directions provided by clarifying the intent of an item Use diagnostic results to personalize interventions


10 Differentiating Intervention Now, you’ve personalized the topics the student needs to cover Next, you can personalize the type of material used for the intervention, or allow the student to choose Open Question Think Sheet The Facilitator’s Guide offers suggestions for facilitating BOTH approaches

11 Using Intervention Materials “The purpose of the suggested student work is to help them build a foundation with fractions so that they can use them with ratios, percents and decimals and interpret them as division as they move into Grade 7.” [Facilitator’s Guide, p.13]

12 Module 1: Facilitator’s Guide Page 9 Connects to the Ontario Curriculum Helps us to dig into the math Provides additional considerations

13 Learning Activity (15 min) With an elbow partner, choose any lesson in any module and look at the Student Book and Facilitator’s Guide. How do the questions in the facilitator’s guide support student learning at each point? What do you notice about the questions/prompts? Which task would you choose – Open Question or Think Sheet? Why would you choose that option?

14 To prepare for our first session in your individual schools… Administer the Pre-test to your whole class by March 28 or 29 th MaryLou and ?? Come –LH and PJ Mar 30 –HH Mar 31 We will administer and score the diagnostic for whatever module we are going to use in the classroom on April 5 at HH

15 All Gap Closing materials are available for free download on the EDUGAINS website

16 Facilitator’s Guide

17 Module 1: Facilitator’s Guide Page 9 Module 2: Facilitator’s Guide Page 3 Choose a module to explore Read through reasons students might struggle What resonates with you? How does this relate to your diagnostic data? Turn and Talk with your group

18 TIMED EVENT: Do a Diagnostic

19 Your Diagnostic Results What did you notice about the diagnostic? What was the most frequently recommended intervention material?

20 Does this represent 1 ? 2 Why or why not?

21 Student Book Module 1 Page 9 Facilitator’s Guide Module 1 page 14

22 The grey shows the whole. What fraction of the whole is the black shape? SB Module 1 Page 7 #4 How is the whole important in this question? What do you notice about the representations? If students had difficulty with this question in the diagnostic, what lesson would you have them complete?


24 Further Consolidation Interactive modules are being developed




28 Minds OnActionConsolidationShow

29 Module 2: Comparing Fractions Student Book Page 5 Why is it important to compare fractions using a variety of representations? How will the strategies be similar and different in Questions 1 and 2?

30 Open Question vs. Think Sheet What do you feel more comfortable with? What do you think students will prefer? SB Module 2 pages 11-13

31 SB Module 2 Page 16 #4 Spend 5 min working on the problem. Why is this such a difficult problem?

32 Next Steps We meet in your schools next week – we will make a plan together… Good working with you!

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