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LL1 CheckOut Run. This Run Run Data Information Run# 401388, full HV, gap0 antimasked, LVL1 delay=10 (default) Total Number of Trigger = 2.4M/16min.

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Presentation on theme: "LL1 CheckOut Run. This Run Run Data Information Run# 401388, full HV, gap0 antimasked, LVL1 delay=10 (default) Total Number of Trigger = 2.4M/16min."— Presentation transcript:

1 LL1 CheckOut Run

2 This Run

3 Run Data Information Run# 401388, full HV, gap0 antimasked, LVL1 delay=10 (default) Total Number of Trigger = 2.4M/16min. SouthNorth Total Roads182602435415 nroads<503247233206 Purity (roads*/trig)1.7 % Roads* Rate2k roads/min * Roads are counted only for nroads<50 events

4 West vs East Purity SouthNorth LE + UELW + UWLE + UELW + UW # of Triggers80k1M90k1.3M Reconstructed Roads (nroads/event<50) 16k Purity20 %1.6 %17 %1.2 % Since number of reconstructed roads are same between East and West, the purity is better in East side. Contradictory to our expectation, west is not likely be efficient in purity. West is rather suffered from junk triggers.

5 Number of Roads Only 10 ~ 20% of total roads belong to number of roads<50. However, the nroads<50 distribution looks good. South North

6 RadioGraph SouthNorth East / West Asymmetry in the trigger is not seen and roads are uniformly distributed. Hot regions are panel overlapping region. Perhaps be expected?


8 South Horizontal Efficiencies

9 South Vertical Efficiency

10 North Horizontal Efficiency

11 North Vertical Efficiency

12 LL1BLT vs. BLT-standalone LL1BLTBLT-standalone Trigger Rate ~ 2kHz/arm. E/W asymmetry. ~ 400 Hz. Roads (nroads<50) Rate2k roads/min. 60 roads/min (North) 300 roads/min (South) EfficiencyLooks OK.Not yet confirmed. Timing Some are off by +/- 1 BCLK. North Looks OK. South could be off by 1 BCLK or so.

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