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Medicinal plant and medicinal plant materials that contain indoles and purines alkaloids.

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Presentation on theme: "Medicinal plant and medicinal plant materials that contain indoles and purines alkaloids."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medicinal plant and medicinal plant materials that contain indoles and purines alkaloids

2 Alkaloids, which are synthesized from tryptophan (Indole alkaloids) Alkaloids, which are single ring indole Alkaloid part of secologanine Alkaloid, which consist of indole and monoterpen structural units Type of reserpine: reserpine rezerpidine restsinamine Type strihnanu: strychnine brucine Garman Type: garmane garmine garmaol Yohimbanu Type : yohimbine aymalicine serpentine Type aspidospermine: vindolint dihotint Eburnane Type : vinkamine vindoline Vinblas- tine vincristine Dimeric alkaloids indole Ibogaine Type : aymaline katarantine Alkaloids Ergot Ergolin D-lysergic acid D- isolysergic acid

3 Grass Passionflover Carnation Herba Passiflorae incarnatae Passionflover Carnation– Passiflorae incarnatae Family – Passifloraceae BAS: BAS: garmine, garmane, garmol, pectine, flavonoids, ascorbic acid Medications: liquid extract, pasyt, novopasyt Pharmacological activity: sedative means to neurastenia, insomnia, alcoholism

4 – Radices Rauwolfiae –Rauwolfia serpentina Family Кутрові – Apocynaceae Roots Rauwolfia – Radices Rauwolfiae Rauwolfia serpentina –Rauwolfia serpentina Family Кутрові – Apocynaceae BAS: BAS: reserpine, rescinamine, aymaline, serpentine : Pharmacological activity : hypotensive effect; antiarrhythmic activity Medications: raunatinum, rauvasinum, reserpine (of the adelphane). Rescinamin, каnescin, rекаnescin, ajmalinum

5 Grass periwinkle– Herba Vincae minoris Periwinkle – Vinca minor Family Кутрові – Apocynaceae BAS: BAS: minorine, vincamine, isovincamine, derivative eburnane, flavonoide – robinine, leucoantocianes Medications: Medications: devincan, vincapan, vincaton Pharmacological activity: hypertension and cerebrovascular spasms

6 Leaf pink Katarantus – Folia Catharanthi rosei Pink Katarantus – Catharanthus roseum Family Кутрові - Apocynaceae BAS: aymalicine, serpentine, vindoline Pharmacological activity: cancer effects; therapy used in leukemia and malignant tumors Medications: Medications: rosevinum, vinblastin, vincristin

7 Seeds Strychnine – Semina Strychni Strychnine – Strychnos nux-vomica Family Логанієві – Loganiaceae BAS: strychnine, brucine, starch, proteins, loganine and chlorogene acid : Pharmacological activity : Tonic as tools for reflex excitation of CNS Medications: tinctures and dry extracts

8 Спориння ерготамінового штаму Cornua Stcalis cornuts stam erdotamini Ergot purpurea Claviceps purpurea Family – Clavicepitaceae БАР: ergoline, ergometrine, Alkaloides Clavine group Pharmacological activity: adrenolityc mean in neurology; with breast cancer Medications: Ergotonin, solid and liquid extracts ergot, Ergotal, Ergometrine Maleate, Ergotamine Hydrotartras.

9 xanthine theophyillinecoffeine theobromine purine alkaloids

10 Coffee seeds – Sеmina Coffeae Arabian coffee tree -- Coffea arabica Fam. – Rubiaceae BAS: coffeine, theobromine, theophilline, glucose, dextrin, proteins, fat oil Pharmacological Action: tonic with mental fatigue affects the central nervous system (coffeine), first aid in poisoning

11 Tea Leaves – Folia Theae Chinese Tea – Thea sinensis Family Teas – Theaceae BAS: caffeine, a small amount of theophylline, theobromine, xanthine, hipoxanthine, tannins, vitamins C, PP Pharmacological activity: tonic, immunostimulatory

12 Rhizomes Potbelly yellow – Rhizomata Nupharis lutei Potbelly yellow – Nyphar luteum Family Лататтєві – Nymphaeaceae BAS: nufaridin: alpha- and beta-nufalerine, nuflein, tannins, carotene, starch Medications: lutenurinum Pharmacological activity: contraceptives means, treat trichomonas and urogenital diseases

13 Rhizome with the roots hellebore Rhizomata cum radicibus Veratri Hellebore Lobel - Veratrum lobelianum Family Мелантієві - Melantiaceae BAS: tanning compounds, resins Medications: tincture and Aqua Verati Pharmacological activity: as an external anti- inflammatory agent

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