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. The answer to all your Tariff Filing USA NVOCC.

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Presentation on theme: ". The answer to all your Tariff Filing USA NVOCC."— Presentation transcript:

1 . The answer to all your Tariff Filing USA NVOCC

2 . Main Screen These are the three main levels of FMC-Trek, shown in order, from general to specific. USA NVOCC

3 . Add a TLI to the Queue To create a new TLI (Tariff Line Item), enter the values into the required fields. Drop Down Choices for easy selection. USA NVOCC

4 . Once Valid Save and click Select Terms USA NVOCC

5 . Modify Queue TLI Conflict Remarks: system does not perform Conflict Check when TLI is not validated. Validation Remarks: show why the TLI cannot be validated. USA NVOCC

6 . Apply the Terms as needed Input new terms if not satisfied with the current terms. USA NVOCC

7 . Pending TLIs Search Results When the TLI is not validated, the system will not perform Conflict Check and you will see the column next to it is blank. Validated: N Conflict: blank When the TLI is validated, the system will then perform Conflict Check and the result is shown in that column. Validated: Y Conflict: Y or N Total rate, including surcharges. USA NVOCC

8 . Pending TLI Search Results After adding new TLI, it will appear in Pending TLI profile, waiting to run validation and conflict check. It will remain here for approximately 1 day before the system Commits it automatically. Editing is only available when TLI is in Pending Queue. Once committed, it means that it’s been published. Once a selected TLI is validated and conflict has been checked, click Commit TLI to publish it. USA NVOCC

9 . FMC Tariff Maintenance – Search Results Screen This is the Search Results Screen. It displays the TLI that is committed and published. USA NVOCC

10 . FMC Tariff Line Item – Search Result Screen This screen shows all the TLIs which are already published. Use the magnifying glass to navigate into the detail page. USA NVOCC

11 . FMC Tariff Line Item – Detail Screen This shows all the terms that have been applied to this particular TLI. In this case, there are four. This is the same information from the previous screen, with the minimum and maximum added. Terms are suggestions and can be applied to any a TLI. USA NVOCC

12 . FMC Commodity Code – Search Result Screen This shows whether the commodity is approved by one of your customers, and who approved or disapproved of it. Description of the commodity that your customer wishes to ship. USA NVOCC

13 . FMC Tariff Terms – Search Result Screen Amendment is an executed change to a term of a rate. The number shown in the Amendment column shows the number of changes for that particular term. For example, this term has changed 55 times since it’s been published. Rules are applied to all TLI where as Terms are suggestions which can be applied to certain TLI only. A term that contain rules in itself is considered rules, and will be automatically be applied to all TLI. USA NVOCC

14 . FMC Terms Basis – Search Result Screen For each category, there are different terms, and this screen contains the most basis terms for costs, label, and type. In this case, LCL is the only term for rate type. USA NVOCC

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