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Published byColin Johns Modified over 9 years ago
Searches for Beyond SM physics at the Tevatron and the LHC (non-SUSY) Monica D’Onofrio University of Liverpool For the ATLAS, CMS, CDF and D0 collaborations 1 24th Rencontres des Blois, France 29 May 2012
2Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois p p CDF D0 _ LHC and Tevatron Ceased operations Sep 30, 2011 12 fb -1 delivered per exp. ~10 fb -1 on tape per exp. ATLAS CMS 2011 Colliding bunches 1331 Bunch spacing 50 ns Luminosity 3.6 x 10 33 cm -2 s -1 Pile-up interactions ~20 2012 1331 50 ns 6.8 x 10 33 cm -2 s -1 ~35 p-p collisions, 5 fb -1 /exp. 2011 @ 7 TeV, > 2 fb -1 /exp 2012 @ 8 TeV
29 May 20123Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois D0CDF ATLASCMS
Searching for new physics 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois4 Supersymmetry Extra Dimensions Large, warped, or universal extra dimensions Might provide: Dark Matter candidate Solution to Hierarchy problem Unification of forces Searches for new heavy particles, black holes.. Strong elw. symmetry breaking Modern variants of Technicolor Might provide: Dark Matter Hierarchy problem Possibly search for composite Higgs, new heavy vector bosons (Z’, W’…), 4 th generation of quarks Introduce heavy superpartners, scalar particles, light neutral Higgs More than100 parameters even in MSSM “SUSY” “Exotics” this talk (talk by S.Somalwar) Standard Model: remarkably successful description of known phenomena, but requires new physics at the TeV scale.
Outline Not comprehensive overview of latest results of searches for new physics from ATLAS, CMS, CDF and D0 From ‘simple’ to more complex topologies, searching for the unexpected: For a complete list: ATLAS: CMS: CDF: D0: 29 May 20125Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois Heavy Resonances o dileptons o diphotons o dijets.. or W’, Z’ and heavy neutrinos in o lepton+MET o dibosons Extra dimensions o dileptons o diphotons o jet/photon + MET o Black Holes LeptoQuarks o 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd generation Long-lived particles o stopped particles o displaced vertices 4th generation o chiral or vector-like In this talk:Not discussed or in back-up:
Related talks at this conference 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois6 Search for new particles / resonances at the LHC - James Degenhardt Search for long lived particles at the LHC - Katarzyna Romanowska-Rybinska Z' signals in polarized top-antitop final states - K. Mimasu Search for anomalous top quark production and decay - S. Hasegawa Search for tt resonances and implications for new physics models - S. Khalatyan Search for new particles / resonances at the LHC - James Degenhardt Search for long lived particles at the LHC - Katarzyna Romanowska-Rybinska Z' signals in polarized top-antitop final states - K. Mimasu Search for anomalous top quark production and decay - S. Hasegawa Search for tt resonances and implications for new physics models - S. Khalatyan
Physics objects and BSM searches 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois7 Starting from the physics objects above, searches for BSM physics signal have several common aspects in the overall approach: Define event selection based on above objects, sometimes aimed to enhance a targeted signal Combine Monte Carlo prediction of signal with Monte Carlo and data-driven standard model BG estimates SM sources often checked in control regions If no excess in Signal Region is observed, compute exclusion limits at 95% C.L. Jets clusters in EM/HAD calorimeters Photons EM cluster w/o matching track Electrons same with matching track Muons track in Tracker and Muon chambers Tau narrow jets with 1 or 3 tracks Missing ET (MET) unbalanced pT But also More complex objects: B-jets: jet identified as originated from B-hadron “Heavy jets” from boosted top
Resonances: Extra Dimensions, new gauge bosons and more… 29 May 20128Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois Large Extra Dimensions Randall-Sundrum Z’ and W’ bosons Naturally arise from many SM extensions ( GUTS - E6,S0(10),..., extra dimensions etc..)
Search for high mass resonances Di-lepton resonances have a strong track record for discovery → J/ ψ, Υ, Z Enlarge the possible final states: looking in dijet, dileptons ditop or dibosons! Construct pair invariant mass and look for excesses in the high mass spectrum 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois9 Advantages Sensitive to many BSM scenarios: ZSSM in Sequential SM (with same Z-coupling as in SM) Z’ models from E6 and SO(10) GUT groups The Kaluza-Klein (KK) model in Extra Dimension Little, Littlest Higgs model … relatively clean with good S/B (SM-tails) Experimental challenges detector resolution can be a key player extra care for E and p recontruction > 1 TeV Di-muon event, M( ) =1379 GeV
Di-lepton resonances (I) 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois10 Constrain Z’ and RS graviton (G*) production in e + e - and + - invariant mass distributions Search also in for final states (CMS) for e e h h h h (details in back-up) ATLAS-CONF-2012-007 EXO11081 EXO11031 ee ee e
Di-lepton resonances (II) 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois11 Constrain Z’ and RS graviton (G*) production in e + e - and + - invariant mass distributions Search also in for final states (CMS) for e e h h h h (see back-up) Very similar results for ATLAS and CMS Limits also in Large Extra Dimension For M SSM Z’ > 1.4 TeV (combination)
Di-photon resonances and RS limits 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois12 Combination of di-photon, di-muon and di- electron final states in coupling-mass plane 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.111801 ATLAS/CMS: exclusion in ~0.9-1.9 TeV, for values of the associated coupling parameter between 0.01 and 0.10 Phys. Lett. B 710 (2012) 538–556
Dijet resonances and angular correlations 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois13 Excited quarks, contact interactions, axigluons, W’, Z’, … Observed and fitted dijet mass distributions Search for bump over continuous background fit No deviations from SM seen set limits: 95% CL x Acceptance limit vs. dijet mass ATLAS-CONF-2012-038 ModelExcl. 95% CL Color octet scalar1.94 TeV Excited Quark3.35 TeV Quantum black hole (n=6)4.11 TeV Contact interaction scale (destructive interference) 7.8 TeV arXiv:1202.5535 Also search for quark compositness and contact interactions in CMS using 2.2 fb -1
Resonances in top pairs 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois14 Searches for leptophobic Z’ and KK gluon in ttbar final states. jet lepton missing E T jet non-boosted tops boosted tops arXiv:1204.2488 arXiv:1205.5371 Highest-mass jet Lepton+jets channel
Resonances in top pairs (II) 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois15 non-boosted tops boosted tops Depending on theoretical assumption, heavy resonance excluded up to below 1.5-2 TeV MET+Sum pT jets high p T jets from W are selected Di-lepton channel CDF also searches in boosted tops (Note 10234)
Resonances in top pairs (III) 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois16 CMS also searches for narrow heavy resonances with non-boosted tops in e( )+jets channel (brand new) + Results in dilepton and l+jets @ 5 fb-1: exclude m Z’ > 1.3 TeV or 1.7 TeV depending on width assumptions, and m gKK > 1.4 TeV CMS-TOP-11-010CMS-TOP-11-009 + Searches also from CDF and D0, with exclusions up to m(Z’) ~ 800-900 GeV (ex. Phys.Rev. D84, 072004 (2011) EXO11093
Multi-jet and top-jet resonances 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois17 CDF search in ttbar+jets events, cross-section upper limits in 0.61--0.02 pb Limits on mediator Mass M (Mtj) depending on its nature 200 -- 800 GeV CMS searches for resonances in 3- jets final states (interpretation in SUSY) in high jet multiplicity final states 1 lept.+(5) jets events, >=1 b- tagged c/PhysicsResultsEXO11060 Searches for resonances in b+top from ATLAS and CMS in back-up
Resonances in dibosons (WW,WZ,ZZ) 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois18 CMS: VZ analysis (dilepton+jets, EXO11081 )EXO11081 CMS: WZ search in 3leptons+MET Limits for WZ/ZZ mass resonances > ~930 GeV exclusion limit for Technicolor as a function of the (TC) and (TC) masses EXO11041
Resonances in dibosons (WW,WZ,ZZ) 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois19 ATLAS: RS particles in ZZ resonances (jets+ll, 4l) 4-lepton arXiv:1203.0718 RS1 graviton exclusion (k= 0.1) below 845 GeV ATLAS also searches for W’ and Technicolor in 3-lepton+MET channel (1 fb -1 ) (arXiv:1204.1648) and W’ and heavy Majorana neutrinos in 2-leptons and jets (2.1 fb -1 )arXiv:1204.1648 2-l + 2jets arXiv:1203.5420 Assume qqbar ′ → W R → ℓ N, N → ℓ W ∗ R → ℓ j j left-right symmetry breaking
The ultimate “resonance”: black holes 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois20 CMS searches high-multiplicity events, look for excess at large transverse energy m BH > 3.8 – 5.2 TeV String ball m > 4.6 – 4.8 TeV 10.1007/JHEP04(2012)061 ATLAS searches in similar final states and in same-sign muons in back-up Dominant SM background: multi-jet production (from low multiplicity events) Data consistent with expectations, set limits on Black-Hole masses and string balls in the context of large extra dimensions: BHmin = low mass threshold for BH prod. = Planck scale in 4+n dimensions
Black holes 29 May 201221Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois Black-hole candidate 10-jet event
1 object and nothing else.. 29 May 201222Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois mono-jet mono-photon mono-top
Monojets 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois23 Monojet is a simple and striking signal High-pT jet with no object to balance pT Main background is Z ν ν + jet(s) Limits on graviton in Large Extra Dimension (ED): →, →, gg → Limits set on Modified Planck scale (MD) for N extra dimensions ATLAS result obtained with 1.0 fb-1 MD > 3.4(2.3) TeV for =2 (4) (ATLAS-CONF-2011-096) CMS result obtained with 4.7 fb-1 MD > 4 (2.7, 2.3)TeV for =2 (4, 6) (CMS PAS EXO-11-059) Also, constraints on Dark Matter =2 (WIMP)
Monophotons 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois24 CMS searches in 4.7 fb-1 High-pT photon + MET ADD limit ( → ): ≳ 1.59 − 1.66 TeV for 3≤≤6 arXiv:1204.0821 < 16-18 fb for 1<(WIMP)<1000 GeV Limits on WIMP-nucleon cross section:
Mono-tops 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois25 CDF searches also for mono-top: Top produced in association with DM candidates Possible signature of SUSY and other BSM models
Other lepton and photon searches 29 May 201226Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois Excited leptons same-sign leptons multi-leptons
Excited electrons and muons 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois27 ATLAS searches for resonance in events or in events Limits as a function of excited lepton mass ( ∗ ) and compositeness scale Λ Limits for Λ =( ∗ ): ( ∗ )>2.0 TeV, ( μ ∗ )>1.9 TeV ATLAS-CONF-2012-008
Same-Sign (SS) leptons 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois28 Several signs of new physics can hide in SS leptons signature (low SM background) ATLAS has several searches in SS leptons. Ex.: same-sign dimuons in 1.6 fb -1: limit set on doubly-charged Higgs production: up to >355 GeV depend on right/left handed nature and branching ratio also limits on same-sign top and SS generic ( arXiv:1201.1091) search for black holes in 1.3 fb-1 D0: KK particles pair production and decay chain with SS muons. Limit on compactification scale R -1 > 260 GeV in minimal UED
Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois Multileptons searches CMS searches for anomalous production of events with 3 or 4 leptons Reported in SUSY Plenary interpretation in R-parity conserving and violating scenarios Events classified by lepton flavor, including (hadronic), lepton multiplicity, and Z mass Use distribution as discriminant (sum of MET, H T =∑p T jet, lepton p T ) No significant excess observed, exclusion limits in the context of SUSY scenarios 3-lepton (excluding taus) and Z-mass veto applied 29 May 201229 3-lepton (1 tau) All regions
4 th generation, vector-like quarks 29 May 201230Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois Why nothing here?
4 th generation / heavy quarks 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois31 Searches for heavy quarks carried out by all collaborations denoted as and B, and/or t’ and b’ ; or (’) for either flavor Complex final states: →, → or →, → 0, → Usually assume 100% branching fraction in one of the decay modes Both single and pair production considered Mechanism and cross section depend on Q nature Chiral or vector-like Example of Q search: ATLAS search for → in 1.0 fb-1 Both W’s decay leptonically Limit: > 350 GeV ATLAS search for →′ in 1.0 fb-1 Bosons decay leptonically Exclusion up to: – →′ : > 900 GeV – →′ : > 760 GeV arXiv:1112.5755 arXiv:1202.3389
Search for b’ (I) 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois32 search for → in 4.6 fb-1 3 leptons or 2 same-sign leptons plus a b-jet b' masses below 611 GeV excluded at 95% CL arXiv:1204.1088
Search for b’ (II) 33 ATLAS search for → ()() → in 1.0 fb-1 2 same-sign leptons, 2+ jets, high MET (no b-jets) Limit: (b’) > 450 GeV Also limits on same-sign production and on new physics contributions correlated to the high-mass A FB at the Tevatron, and the tt cross section at LHC. Another search in lepton+jets final states exploiting W jj ‘tagging’ arXiv:1202.5520 Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois29 May 2012 arXiv:1202.6540
B’ b + Z 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois34 ATLAS search in events selected with a b- tagged jet and a Z boson reconstructed from opposite-charge electrons b' quarks < 400 GeV excluded for BR=100% in this final state In case of a vector-like singlet b' (VLS) mixing solely with the third SM generation, exclude m(b’) < 358 GeV are excluded. arXiv:1204.1265
Search for t’ (I) 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois35 CDF has performed several searches for t’ possibly intriguing results in lepton+jets final states ATLAS search for t’ in lepton+jets final states (with one b-tagged jets). Limit on t’ mass at 404 GeV
Searches for t’ (II) 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois36 CMS in Dilepton channel (+ 2 btagged jets) CMS in 1lepton+4 jets (2 btagged) arXiv:1203.5410 t' masses below 557 GeV excluded at 95% CL (560 GeV by 1l+jets) EXO11099
Vector-like T quarks 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois37 ATLAS and CDF search for → 00 in and all-hadronic final states, where 0 is an undetected neutral particle CMS search for → ()() in 3 lept. (2 with Z mass) and 2+ jets CDF PRL107 191803 Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 041805 (2012) PhysRevLett.107.271802
All this and many not covered… 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois38 ATLAS Plot, CMS grand-picture very similar
Summary and conclusions 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois39 Impressive program of searches! several beyond SM models explored at the LHC as well as signature based searches Looking for the unknown, pretty much everywhere! despite the lower energy reach, quite a few interesting results from Tevatron experiments Still … no new physics in ~9 fb -1 Tevatron data and 5 fb -1 of 2011 LHC data Tevatron is completing the Exotics physics program with new results to be released soon, and > 2 fb -1 of 8 TeV LHC data are waiting to be analyzed Stay tuned!
Back-up 29 May 201240Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois
Di-tau resonances (CMS) 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois41 Final states with leptonic and hadronic taus EXO11031
Searches for W’ (I) 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois42 Several final states explored for specific searches of W’. A few examples: CMS: W’ in lepton+missing transverse energy (MET) W’ in diboson final states W’ in dilepton+jets: Limits onW’_R and Majorana heavy neutrinos arXiv:1204.1648 ATLAS: W’ WZ (3-lepton final states) arXiv:1204.4764 Limits up to 2.5 TeV for right-handed W' bosons with SM-like couplings and of 2.43-2.63 TeV for left-handed W' bosons arXiv:1203.5420
Search for W’ (II): W’_R tb 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois43 ATLAS/CMS: Search in events with 1-lepton+MET+2 jets (>= 1 b-tagged jets) Mass limits on W’_R > 1.7 TeV (CMS, 5 fb -1 ) and 1.2 TeV (ATLAS, 1 fb -1 )
Leptoquarks 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois44 ATLAS and CMS search for leptoquarks Pair-produced particle that decays to or Branching fractions respectively denoted and 1 − Search typically carried out in both and channels (per generation) E.g. = for first generation search EXO11030 arXiv:1203.3172 Phys. Lett. B709 (2012) pp 158-176 EXO11028 First generation second generation Third generation
ATLAS black hole search (II) 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois45 Search for black holes and string balls in final states with large jets and leptons multiplicity Sum p_T for the signal region in the electron channel = low mass threshold for BH production = Planck scale in 4+n dimensions fiducial cross sections Similar results also from SS-muon analysis
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