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Searches for Beyond SM physics at the Tevatron and the LHC (non-SUSY) Monica D’Onofrio University of Liverpool For the ATLAS, CMS, CDF and D0 collaborations.

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Presentation on theme: "Searches for Beyond SM physics at the Tevatron and the LHC (non-SUSY) Monica D’Onofrio University of Liverpool For the ATLAS, CMS, CDF and D0 collaborations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Searches for Beyond SM physics at the Tevatron and the LHC (non-SUSY) Monica D’Onofrio University of Liverpool For the ATLAS, CMS, CDF and D0 collaborations 1 24th Rencontres des Blois, France 29 May 2012

2 2Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois p p CDF D0 _ LHC and Tevatron Ceased operations Sep 30, 2011  12 fb -1 delivered per exp.  ~10 fb -1 on tape per exp. ATLAS CMS 2011 Colliding bunches 1331 Bunch spacing 50 ns Luminosity 3.6 x 10 33 cm -2 s -1 Pile-up interactions ~20 2012 1331 50 ns 6.8 x 10 33 cm -2 s -1 ~35 p-p collisions, 5 fb -1 /exp. 2011 @ 7 TeV, > 2 fb -1 /exp 2012 @ 8 TeV

3 29 May 20123Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois D0CDF ATLASCMS

4 Searching for new physics 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois4 Supersymmetry Extra Dimensions  Large, warped, or universal extra dimensions  Might provide:  Dark Matter candidate  Solution to Hierarchy problem  Unification of forces  Searches for new heavy particles, black holes.. Strong elw. symmetry breaking  Modern variants of Technicolor  Might provide:  Dark Matter  Hierarchy problem  Possibly search for composite Higgs, new heavy vector bosons (Z’, W’…), 4 th generation of quarks  Introduce heavy superpartners, scalar particles, light neutral Higgs  More than100 parameters even in MSSM “SUSY” “Exotics”  this talk (talk by S.Somalwar) Standard Model: remarkably successful description of known phenomena, but requires new physics at the TeV scale.

5 Outline  Not comprehensive overview of latest results of searches for new physics from ATLAS, CMS, CDF and D0  From ‘simple’ to more complex topologies, searching for the unexpected:  For a complete list:  ATLAS:  CMS:  CDF:  D0: 29 May 20125Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois Heavy Resonances o dileptons o diphotons o dijets.. or W’, Z’ and heavy neutrinos in o lepton+MET o dibosons Extra dimensions o dileptons o diphotons o jet/photon + MET o Black Holes LeptoQuarks o 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd generation Long-lived particles o stopped particles o displaced vertices 4th generation o chiral or vector-like In this talk:Not discussed or in back-up:

6 Related talks at this conference 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois6  Search for new particles / resonances at the LHC - James Degenhardt  Search for long lived particles at the LHC - Katarzyna Romanowska-Rybinska  Z' signals in polarized top-antitop final states - K. Mimasu  Search for anomalous top quark production and decay - S. Hasegawa  Search for tt resonances and implications for new physics models - S. Khalatyan  Search for new particles / resonances at the LHC - James Degenhardt  Search for long lived particles at the LHC - Katarzyna Romanowska-Rybinska  Z' signals in polarized top-antitop final states - K. Mimasu  Search for anomalous top quark production and decay - S. Hasegawa  Search for tt resonances and implications for new physics models - S. Khalatyan

7 Physics objects and BSM searches 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois7  Starting from the physics objects above, searches for BSM physics signal have several common aspects in the overall approach:  Define event selection based on above objects, sometimes aimed to enhance a targeted signal  Combine Monte Carlo prediction of signal with Monte Carlo and data-driven standard model BG estimates  SM sources often checked in control regions  If no excess in Signal Region is observed, compute exclusion limits at 95% C.L. Jets  clusters in EM/HAD calorimeters Photons  EM cluster w/o matching track Electrons  same with matching track Muons  track in Tracker and Muon chambers Tau  narrow jets with 1 or 3 tracks Missing ET (MET)  unbalanced pT But also  More complex objects: B-jets: jet identified as originated from B-hadron “Heavy jets” from boosted top

8 Resonances: Extra Dimensions, new gauge bosons and more… 29 May 20128Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois Large Extra Dimensions Randall-Sundrum Z’ and W’ bosons Naturally arise from many SM extensions ( GUTS - E6,S0(10),..., extra dimensions etc..)

9 Search for high mass resonances  Di-lepton resonances have a strong track record for discovery → J/ ψ, Υ, Z  Enlarge the possible final states: looking in dijet, dileptons ditop or dibosons!  Construct pair invariant mass and look for excesses in the high mass spectrum 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois9 Advantages  Sensitive to many BSM scenarios: ZSSM in Sequential SM (with same Z-coupling as in SM) Z’ models from E6 and SO(10) GUT groups The Kaluza-Klein (KK) model in Extra Dimension Little, Littlest Higgs model …  relatively clean with good S/B (SM-tails)  Experimental challenges detector resolution can be a key player extra care for E and p recontruction > 1 TeV Di-muon event, M(  ) =1379 GeV

10 Di-lepton resonances (I) 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois10 Constrain Z’ and RS graviton (G*) production in e + e - and  +  - invariant mass distributions  Search also in for  final states (CMS) for  e  e  h  h  h  h  (details in back-up) ATLAS-CONF-2012-007 EXO11081 EXO11031 ee  ee  e 

11 Di-lepton resonances (II) 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois11 Constrain Z’ and RS graviton (G*) production in e + e - and  +  - invariant mass distributions  Search also in for  final states (CMS) for  e  e  h  h  h  h  (see back-up) Very similar results for ATLAS and CMS Limits also in Large Extra Dimension For  M SSM Z’ > 1.4 TeV (combination)

12 Di-photon resonances and RS limits 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois12 Combination of di-photon, di-muon and di- electron final states in coupling-mass plane 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.111801 ATLAS/CMS: exclusion in ~0.9-1.9 TeV, for values of the associated coupling parameter between 0.01 and 0.10 Phys. Lett. B 710 (2012) 538–556

13 Dijet resonances and angular correlations 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois13  Excited quarks, contact interactions, axigluons, W’, Z’, … Observed and fitted dijet mass distributions Search for bump over continuous background fit No deviations from SM seen  set limits: 95% CL  x Acceptance limit vs. dijet mass ATLAS-CONF-2012-038 ModelExcl. 95% CL Color octet scalar1.94 TeV Excited Quark3.35 TeV Quantum black hole (n=6)4.11 TeV Contact interaction scale (destructive interference) 7.8 TeV arXiv:1202.5535 Also search for quark compositness and contact interactions in CMS using 2.2 fb -1

14 Resonances in top pairs 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois14  Searches for leptophobic Z’ and KK gluon in ttbar final states. jet lepton missing E T jet non-boosted tops boosted tops arXiv:1204.2488 arXiv:1205.5371 Highest-mass jet Lepton+jets channel

15 Resonances in top pairs (II) 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois15 non-boosted tops boosted tops Depending on theoretical assumption, heavy resonance excluded up to below 1.5-2 TeV MET+Sum pT jets high p T jets from W are selected Di-lepton channel CDF also searches in boosted tops (Note 10234)

16 Resonances in top pairs (III) 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois16  CMS also searches for narrow heavy resonances with non-boosted tops  in e(  )+jets channel (brand new) + Results in dilepton and l+jets @ 5 fb-1: exclude m Z’ > 1.3 TeV or 1.7 TeV depending on width assumptions, and m gKK > 1.4 TeV CMS-TOP-11-010CMS-TOP-11-009 + Searches also from CDF and D0, with exclusions up to m(Z’) ~ 800-900 GeV (ex. Phys.Rev. D84, 072004 (2011) EXO11093

17 Multi-jet and top-jet resonances 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois17  CDF search in ttbar+jets events, cross-section upper limits in 0.61--0.02 pb Limits on mediator Mass M (Mtj) depending on its nature  200 -- 800 GeV CMS searches for resonances in 3- jets final states (interpretation in SUSY) in high jet multiplicity final states 1 lept.+(5) jets events, >=1 b- tagged c/PhysicsResultsEXO11060 Searches for resonances in b+top from ATLAS and CMS in back-up

18 Resonances in dibosons (WW,WZ,ZZ) 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois18  CMS: VZ analysis (dilepton+jets, EXO11081 )EXO11081  CMS: WZ search in 3leptons+MET Limits for WZ/ZZ mass resonances > ~930 GeV exclusion limit for Technicolor as a function of the  (TC) and  (TC) masses EXO11041

19 Resonances in dibosons (WW,WZ,ZZ) 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois19  ATLAS: RS particles in ZZ resonances (jets+ll, 4l) 4-lepton arXiv:1203.0718 RS1 graviton exclusion (k= 0.1) below 845 GeV ATLAS also searches for W’ and Technicolor in 3-lepton+MET channel (1 fb -1 ) (arXiv:1204.1648) and W’ and heavy Majorana neutrinos in 2-leptons and jets (2.1 fb -1 )arXiv:1204.1648 2-l + 2jets arXiv:1203.5420 Assume qqbar ′ → W R → ℓ N, N → ℓ W ∗ R → ℓ j j left-right symmetry breaking

20 The ultimate “resonance”: black holes 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois20  CMS searches high-multiplicity events, look for excess at large transverse energy m BH > 3.8 – 5.2 TeV String ball m > 4.6 – 4.8 TeV 10.1007/JHEP04(2012)061 ATLAS searches in similar final states and in same-sign muons in back-up Dominant SM background: multi-jet production (from low multiplicity events) Data consistent with expectations, set limits on Black-Hole masses and string balls in the context of large extra dimensions: BHmin = low mass threshold for BH prod. = Planck scale in 4+n dimensions

21 Black holes 29 May 201221Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois Black-hole candidate 10-jet event

22 1 object and nothing else.. 29 May 201222Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois mono-jet mono-photon mono-top

23 Monojets 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois23 Monojet is a simple and striking signal High-pT jet with no object to balance pT Main background is Z  ν ν + jet(s) Limits on graviton in Large Extra Dimension (ED): →, →, gg → Limits set on Modified Planck scale (MD) for N extra dimensions ATLAS result obtained with 1.0 fb-1 MD > 3.4(2.3) TeV for =2 (4) (ATLAS-CONF-2011-096) CMS result obtained with 4.7 fb-1 MD > 4 (2.7, 2.3)TeV for =2 (4, 6) (CMS PAS EXO-11-059) Also, constraints on Dark Matter =2 (WIMP)

24 Monophotons 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois24  CMS searches in 4.7 fb-1  High-pT photon + MET  ADD limit ( → ): ≳ 1.59 − 1.66 TeV for 3≤≤6 arXiv:1204.0821 < 16-18 fb for 1<(WIMP)<1000 GeV Limits on WIMP-nucleon cross section:

25 Mono-tops 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois25  CDF searches also for mono-top:  Top produced in association with DM candidates  Possible signature of SUSY and other BSM models

26 Other lepton and photon searches 29 May 201226Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois Excited leptons same-sign leptons multi-leptons

27 Excited electrons and muons 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois27  ATLAS searches for resonance in events or in events  Limits as a function of excited lepton mass ( ∗ ) and compositeness scale Λ  Limits for Λ =( ∗ ):  ( ∗ )>2.0 TeV, ( μ ∗ )>1.9 TeV ATLAS-CONF-2012-008

28 Same-Sign (SS) leptons 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois28  Several signs of new physics can hide in SS leptons signature (low SM background)  ATLAS has several searches in SS leptons. Ex.:  same-sign dimuons in 1.6 fb -1: limit set on doubly-charged Higgs production: up to >355 GeV  depend on right/left handed nature and branching ratio  also limits on same-sign top and SS generic ( arXiv:1201.1091)  search for black holes in 1.3 fb-1  D0: KK particles pair production and decay chain with SS muons. Limit on compactification scale R -1 > 260 GeV in minimal UED

29 Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois Multileptons searches  CMS searches for anomalous production of events with 3 or 4 leptons  Reported in SUSY Plenary  interpretation in R-parity conserving and violating scenarios  Events classified by lepton flavor, including  (hadronic), lepton multiplicity, and Z mass  Use distribution as discriminant (sum of MET, H T =∑p T jet, lepton p T ) No significant excess observed, exclusion limits in the context of SUSY scenarios 3-lepton (excluding taus) and Z-mass veto applied 29 May 201229 3-lepton (1 tau) All regions

30 4 th generation, vector-like quarks 29 May 201230Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois Why nothing here?

31 4 th generation / heavy quarks 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois31  Searches for heavy quarks carried out by all collaborations  denoted as and B, and/or t’ and b’ ; or (’) for either flavor  Complex final states:  →, → or →, → 0, →  Usually assume 100% branching fraction in one of the decay modes  Both single and pair production considered  Mechanism and cross section depend on Q nature  Chiral or vector-like Example of Q search: ATLAS search for → in 1.0 fb-1  Both W’s decay leptonically  Limit: > 350 GeV ATLAS search for →′ in 1.0 fb-1  Bosons decay leptonically  Exclusion up to: – →′ : > 900 GeV – →′ : > 760 GeV arXiv:1112.5755 arXiv:1202.3389

32 Search for b’ (I) 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois32  search for → in 4.6 fb-1  3 leptons or 2 same-sign leptons plus a b-jet b' masses below 611 GeV excluded at 95% CL arXiv:1204.1088

33 Search for b’ (II) 33  ATLAS search for → ()() → in 1.0 fb-1  2 same-sign leptons, 2+ jets, high MET (no b-jets)  Limit: (b’) > 450 GeV  Also limits on same-sign production and on new physics contributions correlated to the high-mass A FB at the Tevatron, and the tt cross section at LHC.  Another search in lepton+jets final states  exploiting W  jj ‘tagging’ arXiv:1202.5520 Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois29 May 2012 arXiv:1202.6540

34 B’  b + Z 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois34  ATLAS search in events selected with a b- tagged jet and a Z boson reconstructed from opposite-charge electrons  b' quarks < 400 GeV excluded  for BR=100% in this final state  In case of a vector-like singlet b' (VLS) mixing solely with the third SM generation, exclude m(b’) < 358 GeV are excluded. arXiv:1204.1265

35 Search for t’ (I) 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois35  CDF has performed several searches for t’  possibly intriguing results in lepton+jets final states  ATLAS search for t’ in lepton+jets final states (with one b-tagged jets). Limit on t’ mass at 404 GeV

36 Searches for t’ (II) 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois36  CMS in Dilepton channel (+ 2 btagged jets)  CMS in 1lepton+4 jets (2 btagged) arXiv:1203.5410 t' masses below 557 GeV excluded at 95% CL (560 GeV by 1l+jets) EXO11099

37 Vector-like T quarks 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois37  ATLAS and CDF search for → 00 in and all-hadronic final states, where 0 is an undetected neutral particle  CMS search for → ()() in 3 lept. (2 with Z mass) and 2+ jets CDF PRL107 191803 Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 041805 (2012) PhysRevLett.107.271802

38 All this and many not covered… 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois38 ATLAS Plot, CMS grand-picture very similar

39 Summary and conclusions 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois39  Impressive program of searches!  several beyond SM models explored at the LHC as well as signature based searches  Looking for the unknown, pretty much everywhere!  despite the lower energy reach, quite a few interesting results from Tevatron experiments  Still …  no new physics in ~9 fb -1 Tevatron data and 5 fb -1 of 2011 LHC data  Tevatron is completing the Exotics physics program with new results to be released soon, and > 2 fb -1 of 8 TeV LHC data are waiting to be analyzed  Stay tuned!

40 Back-up 29 May 201240Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois

41 Di-tau resonances (CMS) 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois41  Final states with leptonic and hadronic taus EXO11031

42 Searches for W’ (I) 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois42  Several final states explored for specific searches of W’. A few examples:  CMS: W’ in lepton+missing transverse energy (MET)  W’ in diboson final states  W’ in dilepton+jets:  Limits onW’_R and Majorana heavy neutrinos arXiv:1204.1648 ATLAS: W’  WZ (3-lepton final states) arXiv:1204.4764 Limits up to 2.5 TeV for right-handed W' bosons with SM-like couplings and of 2.43-2.63 TeV for left-handed W' bosons arXiv:1203.5420

43 Search for W’ (II): W’_R  tb 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois43  ATLAS/CMS: Search in events with 1-lepton+MET+2 jets (>= 1 b-tagged jets) Mass limits on W’_R > 1.7 TeV (CMS, 5 fb -1 ) and 1.2 TeV (ATLAS, 1 fb -1 )

44 Leptoquarks 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois44  ATLAS and CMS search for leptoquarks  Pair-produced particle that decays to or  Branching fractions respectively denoted and 1 −  Search typically carried out in both and channels (per generation)  E.g. = for first generation search EXO11030 arXiv:1203.3172 Phys. Lett. B709 (2012) pp 158-176 EXO11028 First generation second generation Third generation

45 ATLAS black hole search (II) 29 May 2012Monica D'Onofrio, Non-SUSY Searches, Rencontres des Blois45  Search for black holes and string balls in final states with large jets and leptons multiplicity Sum p_T for the signal region in the electron channel = low mass threshold for BH production = Planck scale in 4+n dimensions fiducial cross sections Similar results also from SS-muon analysis

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