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PERIOD 4 1800-1848. Key Concept 4.1  The U.S. developed the world’s first modern mass democracy and celebrated a new national culture, while Americans.

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1 PERIOD 4 1800-1848

2 Key Concept 4.1  The U.S. developed the world’s first modern mass democracy and celebrated a new national culture, while Americans sought to define the nation’s democratic ideals and to reform its institutions to match them.

3 Political Parties Pt.1  favored stronger central government  supported by upper- class, merchants and bankers  Pro-British  loose interpretation of the Constitution  favored states-rights  supported by lower and middle classes, farmers  Pro-French  strict interpretation of the Constitution FederalistsDemocratic-Republicans By the end of John Adam’s presidency there are two main political parties:

4 Thomas Jefferson  Third President  1801-1809  The nation became a more participatory democracy  There were still debates over federal power  Jefferson asserted that “We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists.” Focused on the unity of the nation.

5 Supreme Court  Strengthened the power of the federal government  often at the expense of state governments  Chief Justice John Marshall  Most of his decisions sought to assert federal power over state laws

6 Supreme Court Cases Review  Marbury v. Madison established the principle of judicial review  McCulloch v. Maryland upheld constitutionality of 2 nd Bank of the US, federal government given more power of states  Gibbons v. Ogden Congress, NOT states, can control interstate commerce

7 Henry Clay’s American System  Mercantilist program for economic development  Raise tariffs to use for internal improvements  Roads, canals, bridges, etc.  Idea was praised by the west and hated by the south

8 Political Parties Pt. 2  Led by Andrew Jackson  Against the Bank of the US  Against the American System  Led by Henry Clay  Anti-Andrew Jackson  Wanted a stronger government  Wanted tariffs (taxes on imports)  Pro-Bank of the US Democrats Whigs

9 Regional>Nation  Regional political and economic loyalties overshadowed national concerns:  People saw themselves in terms of their region over the nation (i.e. “I’m an Iowan first, American second”)

10 New National Cultures  While Americans embraced a new national culture, various groups developed distinctive cultures of their own  2 nd Great Awakening  Goal: to inspire people to achieve perfection: Large efforts to convert people to Christianity Utopian Societies social experiments that hoped to achieve perfection in communities Inspired other reform movements: Temperance Opposed to alcohol Abolitionism Opposed to slavery

11 Bell Ringer  You have 15 minutes to complete your Period 4 Reading Guide.  If you have already finished, answer the following question:  If you won the $1.3billion PowerBall, what would you do with the money?

12 New National Cultures  New American culture was a combination of European and local culture  New American art, literature, and architectural ideas emerged John James Audubon made significant contributions to the study of birds Created prints of birds The Hudson River School focused on landscape paintings believed nature was a great source of wisdom and inspiration

13 New National Cultures  Literature, art, philosophy, and architecture reflected the desire to be perfect  Transcendentalism literary, political, and philosophical movement encouraged individuals to have communication with God and nature

14 Slavery  Slave Communities  Enslaved African Americans sought to protect their family structures and dignity  developed “surrogate” families  Slave music used to help pass the time while working Instrumental part of religious services  Antislavery in the South:  Gag-order prohibited the introduction of abolitionist bills in the House of Representatives  Nat Turner’s Rebellion (1831): Slave Rebellion in Virginia freed slaves and killed whites on plantation 100s of blacks killed in retaliation

15 Slavery  Anti-Slavery in the North  Abolitionism achieved success in the North many northern states gradually emancipated slaves  Overtime there was an increasing number of free African Americans in the North AND the South: Eventually, many states made it illegal for slave owner to manumit (free) their slaves

16 Many Rivers to Cross: Slavery  While watching the video, take 30 points of information in notes.  After the video write a 5 sentence response or reflection to the information in the video.  Use details and facts from the video/your notes.

17 Bell Ringer  List three things you have learned in Period 4.  1.  2.  3.

18 Technological Revolution  Innovations in technology, agriculture, and commerce  accelerated the American economy  major changes to U.S. society  Growth of national and regional identities  Market Revolution:  Revolution in transportation, communication, and production of goods  Begin to see a shift from farming to factory jobs

19 Technology Cotton Gin Eli Whitney Increased the production of cotton Steel Plow Used with livestock for farming Telegraph Communication with Morse code Interchangeable parts Used in farm machinery Textile Machinery Tools for making clothes

20 Transportation  Roads  Canals  Railroads  Innovations in transportation lead to increased trade across the nation

21 North and South  Emergence of national ties between North and South  Banks across the nation provided funding for both plantations and factories North Buys southern cottonUses cotton to create textiles South Grows cottonShips cotton to the north

22 North and South  Distinctive Southern Culture  South relied heavily on cotton production and slavery Even those without slaves relied on slave society  Many Southern elites supported and argued for slavery using “science” and religion  Politicians had a stake in the slave society and did not want it to end

23 Compromise of 1820  The nation greatly expanded with the Louisiana Purchase  The question: Would new states become slaves states?  Compromise of 1820 1. Missouri Compromise: Missouri would enter the country as a slave state 2. Maine would enter the country as a free state 3. 36°60’ parallel above= free states Below=slave states


25 Finish “Many Rivers to Cross: Slavery”  While watching the video, take 30 points of information in notes.  After the video write a 5 sentence response or reflection to the information in the video.  Use details and facts from the video/your notes.

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