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Flowering heads have from 8 to 30 (average 12) blue to lavender, or white, ray flowers that surround a central cluster of dark lavender disc flowers. Involucres.

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Presentation on theme: "Flowering heads have from 8 to 30 (average 12) blue to lavender, or white, ray flowers that surround a central cluster of dark lavender disc flowers. Involucres."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flowering heads have from 8 to 30 (average 12) blue to lavender, or white, ray flowers that surround a central cluster of dark lavender disc flowers. Involucres bracts are long and lance shaped, with green tips. Leaves attach individually. The lower leaves are broadly heart- or arrowhead-shaped, and have winged petioles. Upper leaves are narrowly lance-shaped and attach without petioles. Lower leaves measure up to about 15 x 6 cm, and have conspicuous teeth. Upper leaves measure up to 4 x 1.5 cm, and have either smooth margins or some inconspicuous teeth. Stems and leaves are covered with very small hairs. This species occurs in woodland settings from September through October. Native to NSW

2 Scientific Drawings Allows to record an image of the specimen observed Helps to remember the specimen as well as the important features of the specimen Drawings must have –Title –Labels Drawings must not have –Shading, (only stippling should be used) –Sketchy lines, (only single lines should be drawn)

3 Botanical Drawing Scientific discipline concerned with the study of plants Botany This is a form of scientific art where the artist draws a plant exactly as it looks. Botanical drawing combines art and science in a useful and beautiful way. Drawing plants is often a better way to record them than photography because through drawing it is possible to highlight on a single page important features as well as to show different stages of development.

4 What to observe on the plant? LeafFlowerFruit

5 How to draw a botanical drawing Place your botanical specimen so that it will not shift its position Spend at least one full minute just looking at your plant specimen. Don’t draw anything yet. Examine how the stem branches and how the leaves, buds and flowers join the stem What is the texture of each part? the size? the colour? look, look, look and draw, then look, look, look again. Look more minutes than you draw as though you were a real botanist Start with pencil, as if you were an ant crawling over the edges When you have drawn the complete specimen, darken the lines, shade with stippling and label.

6 Stippling





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