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Botanical Nomenclature The Basics. International Code of Botanical Nomenclature Revised every 6 years 2006 (Vienna) Code:

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Presentation on theme: "Botanical Nomenclature The Basics. International Code of Botanical Nomenclature Revised every 6 years 2006 (Vienna) Code:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Botanical Nomenclature The Basics

2 International Code of Botanical Nomenclature Revised every 6 years 2006 (Vienna) Code: 2011 (Melbourne) Code: –Renamed to “International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants” –In prep

3 Ficus ficus Botanical & Zoological Codes are Separate Cecropia Ficus caricus

4 Iris oratoria Botanical & Zoological Codes are Separate Iris versicolor Culcita novaeguineae (echinoderm) Culcita coniifolia

5 Kingdom (-phyta) Division (-ophyta) Class (-opsida) Subclass (-idea) Order (-ales) Family (-aceae) Subfamily (-oideae) Genus Species Subspecies Variety Forma Taxonomic hierarchy

6 Family names End in –aceae, but note the following eight conserved names (alternative old names allowed by the Code): –AsteraceaeCompositae –HypericaceaeGutifferae –BrassicaceaeCruciferae –ApiaceaeUmbelliferae –ArecaceaePalmae –LamiaceaeLabiatae –FabaceaeLeguminosae –PoaceaeGraminae

7 Species names Consist of two words –Genus name –Specific epithet –Author name(s) Written in Latin Arethusa bulbosa L.

8 Antrophyum ensiforme Hook. Scoliosorus ensiforme (Hook.) T. Moore Parenthetical author Combining author Species names Scoliosorus ensiforme is a later re- classification (to a different genus) of Antrophyum ensiforme. Both names refer to the same species, shown at right.

9 Author names Lotus corniculatus L. Lotus heermannii (Dur. & Hilg.) Greene Hosackia hermannii Dur. & Hilg. & Rothfels & K. Reed –Always used instead of “and” ex Humboldt & Bonpland ex Willdenow –Name suggested by Humboldt & Bonpland but published by Willdenow in Spring in Martius –Name published by Spring as a chapter in Martius

10 Infraspecific taxa Trinomials –subspecies, variety and form Solidago simplex subsp. randii (Porter) Ringius Solidago virgaurea var. alpina Bigelow Solidago nemoralis fo. pallens Benke Quadrinomials –allowed but rarely used –var. or fo. nested within subsp. but not vice versa Solidago simplex subsp. randii var. gillmanii (A. Gray) Ringius

11 Types of Type specimen A species is described with reference to one and only one type specimen deposited in a herbarium The function of types is strictly nomenclatural, anchors the name Does not have to be “typical” or representative of the species Type specimen of Sequoia sempervirens (Coastal Redwood)

12 Types of types Holotype: the single type specimen, housed in a specific herbarium, named at time of publication Isotype: copies of the type specimen (“duplicates” bearing the same collection number) Syntype Lectotype Paratype Neotype

13 Synonyms Alternative names for the same species Two kinds: –Nomenclatural synonyms –Taxonomic synonyms

14 Nomenclatural Synonyms Based on the same type –Also called homotypic or objective synonyms Change in rank or group Same specific epithet Eschatogramme panamensis (1929) Polypodium panamense (1954) Dicranoglossum panamense (1976) All the above names are different classifications of the same species

15 Erythraea muhlenbergii Griseb. (1839) Centaurodes muhlenbergii (Griseb.) Kuntze (1891) Centaurium muhlenbergii (Griseb.) Wight ex Piper (1906) Nomenclatural Synonyms Combining authorParenthetical author Basionym authorBasionym All these names are nomenclatural synonyms. They are different classifications of the same species, shown below. Basionym: the name under which a species was first publishe

16 Taxonomic Synonyms Based on different types –Heterotypic or subjective synonyms Taxonomic judgment Different specific epithets Example: Polybotrya caudata Kunze (1834) Polybotrya costaricensis Brade (1969)

17 Principle of Priority The nomenclature of taxonomic groups is based on the priority of publication. –Starts 1 May 1753, Species Plantarum Example: Polybotrya caudata Kunze (1834) Polybotrya costaricensis Brade (1969) These names were later found to refer to the same species. Based on priority, the first name must be used. The second name becomes a taxonomic synonym of the first.

18 Rules for Naming a New Species 1.Can’t use a previously published name or a tautonym 2.Must indicate rank 3.Must designate a type 4.Must effectively publish the name Now obsolete as of Melbourne code: Provide a description in Latin

19 Tautonyms Specific epithet repeats genus Permitted in Zoological Code, but not in Botanical Gorilla gorilla Cardinalis cardinalis Bison bison Ensifera ensifera Naja naja Salamander salamander

20 Illegitimate Names Do not conform to the rules –A name already published (later homonym) –Tautonym (e.g., Selaginella selaginella) Polypodium brevinervis Fee (published 1845) Polypodium brevinervis H. Christ (published 1897)

21 Invalid Names Not validly published –Prior to Melbourne code, had to be physically published in a widely accessible journal –As of Melboure Code, electronic publication now allowed –See codes for rule of effective publication

22 Nomenclature of Hybrids Two ways of naming allowed: Formula name Adiantum latifolium X petiolatum Binomial Adiantum X variopinnatum

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