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Number Sense & The Arithmetic of Whole Numbers Shelby Ferreira.

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Presentation on theme: "Number Sense & The Arithmetic of Whole Numbers Shelby Ferreira."— Presentation transcript:

1 Number Sense & The Arithmetic of Whole Numbers Shelby Ferreira

2 Group Activity 1. Approximate the length and width of the room. 2. Estimate the area of the room.

3 Rounding 1,354,294,466

4 Estimating 1,354,294,466 + 5 billion, six-hundred thirty-seven million, and five-hundred twenty-eight

5 Place Value 1,354,294,466 Standard form Expanded form

6 Group Activity Calculate the cost of health insurance per family based on the data in this cartoon.

7 Basic Operations + − ×, )(, *, ab ÷, /

8 Symbols < less than > greater than ≤ less than or equal to ≥ greater than or equal to ≠ not equal to = equal to ≅ approximately equal to ≈ approximately

9 Addition Terms/addends Sum Notation Commutative Number line (moving to the right) Example: 59+78 (Try with strategies 1, 2, and 3)

10 Subtraction Terms Difference Notation Inverse of addition NOT commutative Number line (moving to the left) Example: 9874 – 4238 = (Try with subtraction without borrowing)

11 Multiplication Factors Product Notation Related to addition. How? Commutative Example: 86 x 23 = (Try with Japanese multiplication)

12 Division Dividend Divisor Quotient Notation Inverse of multiplication Related to subtraction. How? NOT commutative Example: 558 / 97 = (Try with hangman long division)

13 Order of Operations Parentheses Exponents Multiplication & Division (left to right in the order that they appear) Addition & Subtraction (left to right in the order that they appear)

14 Properties of Arithmetic Properties of Real Numbers Rules of Arithmetic

15 Exit Ticket

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