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Assessing Global Competence in the World Language Classroom.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessing Global Competence in the World Language Classroom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessing Global Competence in the World Language Classroom

2 Co-presenters: Meriwynn Mansori, Ph.D., Manager of Instructional Services, VIF International Education Meg Van Voorhis, M.Ed., Manager of Dual Language Curriculum and Instructional Services, VIF International Education

3 Do you know how to talk to the king of Spain?

4 Activity: ¿Tú or Ud.? Identify different people from school: Librarian: El/La bibliotecario/a Secretary: El/La secretario/a Teacher Assistant: El ayudante de maestro Student: El estudiante Friend: El/La amigo/a Classmate: El/La compañero/a de clase Use what you’ve learned in the previous lesson to decide whether to use “¿Cómo estás?”, “¿Cómo está?” or “¿Qué tal?” Talk with a partner and choose a greeting for each person. Compare your answers with other pairs.

5 Blogging to Assess Global Competence

6 Contact Us: Meriwynn Mansori: Email: Twitter: @Meriwynn Meg Van Voorhis: Email: Twitter: @mcvanv VIF Learning Center: Code=VIFLEARNDEMO


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