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1 Chapter 15 Human Relations and You. 2 Learning Objectives Identify key questions that should be asked in carrying out a self-evaluation. Write an effective.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Chapter 15 Human Relations and You. 2 Learning Objectives Identify key questions that should be asked in carrying out a self-evaluation. Write an effective."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Chapter 15 Human Relations and You

2 2 Learning Objectives Identify key questions that should be asked in carrying out a self-evaluation. Write an effective résumé. Discuss six important points in carrying out a successful job hunt. Describe some of the major guidelines that you should follow in managing your career effectively. Explain the major steps for getting ahead in your job.

3 3 Résumé A résumé is a summary of your experience and training

4 4 Common Mistakes in Résumés of College Graduates  The lack of a clear objective  Using generic job descriptions that omit tangible accomplishments  Selling short your assets and omitting cutting- edge skills  Failing to list jobs in reverse chronological order  Cramming résumés with extraneous information

5 5 Important Points in Carrying Out a Successful Job Hunt Silence can be golden Don’t answer every employment ad Know how to be interviewed Downplay salary Strive for originality Do no lose hope

6 6 Keys to Getting Ahead Manage your career effectively Know your job Manage your time well Manage your stress effectively Find a mentor Organize your office properly Consider career switching

7 7 Keys to Managing Your Career Effectively Don’t wait for things to happen; manage your own career. You will make four to six career moves. Make the most of them. Mobility and maneuvering produce greater returns than does misguided loyalty. Your first loyalty should be to yourself. Outside contacts are important to a career. These people can be of help to you, so build a good outside network of friends and associates.

8 8 Keys (contd.) Work in-line jobs, not staff jobs. The more important your contribution to the firm, the more highly prized you will be. Don’t be lured by long-run rewards that will not materialize for twenty years. Consider the shorter run. Always be prepared to leave so that, if things go badly in the organization, you will have a plan of action.

9 9 Keys (contd.) As millions of companies are operating in the economy, do not limit yourself to just the largest industrials. After your employment interview, do not forget to send a thank you note. Whom you know will always be more important than what you know. Effective career planning is often a matter of knowing the right people.

10 10 Table 15.1 New Jobs for the New Economy: The Ten Fastest-Growing Occupations (in thousands of Jobs) Occupation19982008 Computer Engineers Computer support specialists Systems analysts Database administrators Desktop-publishing specialists Paralegals and legal assistants Personal care and home health aids Medical assistants Social and human service assistants Physician’s assistants 299 429 617 87 26 136 746 252 268 66 622 869 1,194 155 44 220 1,179 398 410 98 Employment

11 11 Table 15.1 (contd.) OccupationNumber% Computer Engineers Computer support specialists Systems analysts Database administrators Desktop-publishing specialists Paralegals and legal assistants Personal care and home health aids Medical assistants Social and human service assistants Physician’s assistants 323 439 577 67 19 84 433 146 141 32 108 102 94 77 73 62 58 53 48 Change

12 12 Tips to Manage Stress Effectively 1.Staying alert for signs of stress 2.Maintaining a positive mental attitude at all times 3.Making time in your daily work schedule to put everything aside and just relax for ten to fifteen minutes 4.Being prepared to make changes in your work routines or career if stress becomes too great.

13 13 Mentor A mentor is a coach, counselor, and sponsor of others

14 14 Who Switches Careers? 1.People who have been passed over for a promotion 2.Those who believe that their organization is falling behind the competition and who want to work for an industry leader 3.Individuals who are being moved onto a career track that will not get them to their long-range goals

15 15 Key Terms in the Chapter Résumé Mentor

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