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N EW C ENTERS OF C IVILIZATION. P ASTORAL NOMAD Overran settled communities and then created their own empires.. Domesticated animals for food and clothing.

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Presentation on theme: "N EW C ENTERS OF C IVILIZATION. P ASTORAL NOMAD Overran settled communities and then created their own empires.. Domesticated animals for food and clothing."— Presentation transcript:


2 P ASTORAL NOMAD Overran settled communities and then created their own empires.. Domesticated animals for food and clothing.

3 I NDO -E UROPEANS Were one of the most important nomadic peoples. Originally based somewhere in region north of black sea or in southwest Asia.

4 H ITTITES Created an empire in western Asia and threatened the power of Egyptians. First Indo-Europeans to use iron.

5 P HOENICIANS Lived in the area of Palestine along the Mediterranean coast on a narrow band of land 120 miles long.

6 I SRAELITES A group of Semitic-speaking people known as the Israelites.

7 J ERUSALEM Capital of Israel.

8 K ING S OLOMON Expanded the government and army and encouraged trade. He is best known for building a temple in Jerusalem.

9 M ONOTHEISTIC The Jews are monotheistic, believing in one god.

10 C OVENANT A contract.

11 P ROPHETS Religious teachers to serve as God’s voice to the people.

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