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Think - Design - Create- Present Understanding the Skills You Bring to Your Team for Successful Project Implementation.

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Presentation on theme: "Think - Design - Create- Present Understanding the Skills You Bring to Your Team for Successful Project Implementation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Think - Design - Create- Present Understanding the Skills You Bring to Your Team for Successful Project Implementation

2 Real World Scenario: As a design team, you will be presenting your final product to an audience of your peers. They will review and ask questions about the scope, design, and final results of your project while observing and assessing you and your team's skills. The Design Team Session Goal: Through a design challenge, you and your teammates will understand what assets (hard & soft skills) you bring or need to develop while working on your final project.

3 Team Work I. Pre-evaluation: What skills do you bring to your team and to the project? I. Team exercise: The Marshmallow Challenge I. Post-evaluation: What skills did you bring to the exercise? I. Lessons Learned, Team reflection and Facilitator observations

4 What professional assets do you bring to your project team? Hard Skills: Technical skills Left Brain- Logical center Hard skills are easy to observe, quantify, and measure Example: operating machinery, computer programming, accounting Soft Skills: "People skills" Right Brain- Emotional Intelligence Soft skills are hard to observe, quantify, measure Example: listening, resolving conflicts, networking

5 Take 2 minutes to answer the following question: What skills do you bring to your team and to this project? Write down at least 2 hard skills and 2 soft skills you have that would help your project team.

6 Let's put your skills to the test....

7 The Marshmallow Challenge

8 The Challenge Your team must build: o The tallest free-standing structure from the materials in your kit. o The entire marshmallow must be on top. o Use as much or as little of the kit. o Break up the spaghetti, tape, or string. o The challenge lasts 18 minutes.

9 Criteria The winning team is the one that has the tallest structure measured from the table top surface to the top of the marshmallow. That means the structure cannot be suspended from a higher structure, like a chair, ceiling or chandelier. The entire marshmallow needs to be on the top of the structure. Cutting or eating part of the marshmallow disqualifies the team. When the challenge ends, teams cannot hold on to the structure when the time runs out. Those touching or supporting the structure at the end of the exercise will be disqualified.

10 Source:

11 Lessons Learned from Tom Wujec at Autodesk Lesson One: Prototyping matters Lesson Two: Diverse skills matter Lesson Three:Incentives magnify outcomes. TED 2010 Talk by Tom Wujec from Autodesk on the Marshmallow Challenge

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