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 The “?” helps you to find the right command. HELP (?)

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2  The “?” helps you to find the right command. HELP (?)

3 PMI is the Primary Management Interface (PMI) address is used as the IP address of the G450 to register to the Media Gateway Controller(MGC). G450.Lab01-001(super)# show pmi Active PMI : interface Vlan 1 ( Configured PMI : interface Vlan 1 ( Active PMI6 : interface n/a (n/a) SHOW PMI

4  The G450 must be registered with an MGC (S8XX, CLAN) in order to provide. SHOW MGC LIST

5 This command will briefly showcase the media modules in the G450. SHOW MODULE

6 This command will display information about media modules that are installed on the G450. SHOW MM

7  This command display existing interface. SHOW IP INTERFACE

8  Displays a summary of the configuration information for specific interface or for all interface. SHOW IP INTERFACE BRIEF

9  The Spanning tree protocol prevents the condition known as a bridge loop. Most customers prefer spanning tree to be disabled on the G450. SHOW SPANTREE

10 This command will check the hardware suffix and vintage. SHOW SYSTEM

11  Displays the information about currently active faults. SHOW FAULTS

12  Displays the device temperature. SHOW TEMP

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