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Internal and External Conflict. What is Conflict? A conflict is a struggle between opposing forces. There are two main kinds of conflict in stories: internal.

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Presentation on theme: "Internal and External Conflict. What is Conflict? A conflict is a struggle between opposing forces. There are two main kinds of conflict in stories: internal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internal and External Conflict

2 What is Conflict? A conflict is a struggle between opposing forces. There are two main kinds of conflict in stories: internal and external.

3 Internal Conflict A struggle that takes place in a character's mind is called internal conflict. For example, a character may have to decide between right and wrong or between two solutions to a problem. Sometimes, a character must deal with his or her own mixed feelings or emotions. Character vs. Self

4 External Conflict A struggle between a character and an outside force is an external conflict. Characters may face several types of outside forces. The outside force may be another character. It may be the community. The outside force may also be forces of nature. For example, a story might be the main character struggling against the arctic cold.

5 External Conflict Character vs. Character  (Harry Potter vs. Voldemort) Character vs. Nature  (Dorothy from “The Wizard of Oz”) Character vs. Society  (Shrek from “Shrek”)

6 So, what’s the difference? An internal conflict is just that– a conflict that takes place internally. This is better known as character vs. self. An external conflict is a conflict that can be seen physically. We know external conflicts as character vs. character, character vs. nature, and character vs. society. Now you practice!!

7 Internal or External Conflict? You love going to soccer practice every Friday night. However, last week you had to go to dinner with your family instead, and this week a friend has invited you to the movies.

8 Internal or External Conflict? At a party, you spent a lot of time talking to a friend from your math class—just chatting. Now another classmate has spread rumors around school about the two of you.

9 Internal or External Conflict? For the past month, you have been bullied on the school bus by older middle school guys. They typically call you names and sometimes even poke at you. Finally one day, you get fed up and scream, “Don’t ever touch me again!”

10 Internal or External Conflict? You have a project due on Monday. Even though you have had several weeks to read, by Sunday night you’ve only read half the book. To make things worse, your teacher has stated, “I have high expectations for this assignment.”

11 Internal or External Conflict? Although your friends say that you’re very attractive, you think just the opposite. You are overly critical about physical appearance

12 Internal or External Conflict? Your dad is driving you and your friends to a big football game in town. Although you left in plenty of time, he seems to have lost his way. You think you saw the football field a couple of blocks back. When you tell your dad, he says, “Who’s driving—you or me?”

13 Writing Prompt List 3 reasons why it would be difficult to compete against your best friend.

14 “Amigo Brothers” Story Sleuth Devastating Friendship Perpetual Dispelled Evading Championship Gym Challenger Boys Club Tenement Gym Punch Ringside Rooftop Ducked Announcer Hermano Decision Pain promise Read the following vocabulary from “Amigo Brothers.” Write the words you don’t know under “Mystery Words.” Then complete the rest of the worksheet using the vocabulary words to guide you.

15 “Amigo Brothers” pg. 283 Please complete the worksheet as you read “Amigo Brothers”

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