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Inviting and motivating participants EHES Training seminar Sanna Ahonen.

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Presentation on theme: "Inviting and motivating participants EHES Training seminar Sanna Ahonen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inviting and motivating participants EHES Training seminar Sanna Ahonen

2 Inviting participants Participation rate depends directly on the success of recruitment. Written materials should be carefully planned. Information leaflet Invitation letter Information sheet / notice Informed consent

3 Information leaflet Essential Contents Objectives Who conducts the survey Head of the survey Signature Financial support Selection of participants Importance of participation Voluntary Benefits for participants Confidentiality Support of employee unions Relevant languages Contact information

4 Information leaflet Example: Portugal Important issues: Easy to understand Interesting Professional appearance Concise

5 Information leaflet

6 Logos of the partners EHES EU (financial support)

7 Information leaflet


9 Information sheet More information on the survey Examination programme List and duration of measurements Safety of measurements Personnel Trained and qualified Information on results Feedback during the survey Written report Information on data protection

10 Motivating the participants During fieldwork Multiple contact attempts Flexibility in scheduling appointments Possibility to ask questions Examination site Good atmosphere Comfortable facilities Fluent change between measurements Importance of keeping promises

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