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Yamato Period: 300-710 “Great Kings” era Began promoting the adoption of Chinese culture: a Confucianism-Largely rejected. a Language (kanji characters).

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Presentation on theme: "Yamato Period: 300-710 “Great Kings” era Began promoting the adoption of Chinese culture: a Confucianism-Largely rejected. a Language (kanji characters)."— Presentation transcript:



3 Yamato Period: 300-710 “Great Kings” era Began promoting the adoption of Chinese culture: a Confucianism-Largely rejected. a Language (kanji characters). a Buddhist sects. a Chinese art & architecture. a Government structure. Began promoting the adoption of Chinese culture: a Confucianism-Largely rejected. a Language (kanji characters). a Buddhist sects. a Chinese art & architecture. a Government structure.

4 Shinto -Japan also developed a unique religion: Shinto -”The way of the gods”- Worshiped Kami or nature and the forces of nature. (Sun, moon, wind etc.) -Goal was to become part of kami by observing rituals. -Encouraged obedience and respect.

5 Prince Shotoku: 573-621  Adopted Chinese culture and legal system. Modeled on T’ang a Buddhist sects allowed to develop. a Created a new government structure:  17 Article Constitution in 604. 

6 Heian Period: Cultural Borrowing 1.Chinese writing. 2.Chinese artistic styles. 3.Buddhism [in the form of ZEN]. 4.BUT, not the Chinese civil service system! 4.BUT, not the Chinese civil service system!  1.Chinese writing. 2.Chinese artistic styles. 3.Buddhism [in the form of ZEN]. 4.BUT, not the Chinese civil service system! 4.BUT, not the Chinese civil service system! 

7 Heian Court Dress

8 Minamoto Yoritomo Founded the Kamakura Shogunate: 1185-1333

9 Feudal Society The emperor reigned, but did not always rule!

10 FeudalismFeudalism Japan: A political, economic, and social system based on loyalty, the holding of land, and military service. Japan: Shogun Daimyo Samurai Peasant Land - Shoen Protection Loyalty Food

11 Code of Bushido * Fidelity * Politeness * Virility * Simplicity * Fidelity * Politeness * Virility * Simplicity

12 Seppuku: Ritual Suicide Kaishaku – his “seconds” It is honorable to die in this way.

13 Full Samurai Attire

14 Samurai Sword

15 Early Mounted Samurai Warriors

16 Samurai Charging

17 Modern-Day “Samurai Warriors”

18 FeudalismFeudalism A political, economic, and social system based on loyalty, the holding of land, and military service. Europe: King Lord Knight Peasant Land - Fief Protection Loyalty Food

19 Code of Chivalry * * Justice * Loyalty * Defense * Courage * Faith * Humility * Nobility * * Justice * Loyalty * Defense * Courage * Faith * Humility * Nobility

20 European knight Samurai Warrior vs. Medieval Warriors

21 Knight’s Armor Samurai Armor vs. Medieval Warriors

22 Zen Buddhism a A Japanese variation of the Mahayana form of Buddhism, which came from India through China. a It reinforced the Bushido values of mental and self-discipline.

23 Mongol “Invasions” of Japan Mongol “Invasions” of Japan 4,400 ships and 140,000 men, but kamikaze winds stopped them.

24 Ashikaga Age: 1338-1573 ► Shoguns fought for power. a Laws are unclear. a Less efficient than the Kamakura.  Armies of samurai protected the country. 


26 Osaka Castle

27 Main Gate of Hiroshima Castle

28 Caernorfon Castle, Wales

29 Warwick Castle, England

30 The Age of the Warring States: ( 1467 - 1568) a Castles built on hills in different provinces. a Power shifts from above to below.  Europeans arrive in Japan  bringing firearms & Christianity. a Christianity & foreign trade flourish.

31 Catholic Jesuits in Japan [First Catholic Missionaries in Asia] St. Francis Xavier [First Catholic Missionaries in Asia]

32 Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1536-1598) a Becomes suspicious of European territorial ambitions.  Orders all European missionaries expelled from Japan.  a Tries to invade Korea, but fails.

33 First Christian Martyrs (1597): Shrine in Nagasaki Today

34 Tokugawa Ieyasu (1543-1616) Appointed shogun by the Emperor. a Appointed shogun by the Emperor.  Four-class system laid down with marriage restricted to members of the same class!  Four-class system laid down with marriage restricted to members of the same class!   Warriors.  Farmers.  Artisans.  Merchants.

35 Tokugawa Shogunate Period 1603-1868 Tokugawa Shogunate Period 1603-1868  Japan closed off to all trade [except to the Dutch and Chinese].  The Dutch were restricted to a small island in Nagasaki harbor. a Japanese Christians persecuted and Christianity is forbidden. a The government is centralized with all power in the hands of the shogun.

36 a Domestic trade flourishes. a Towns, esp. castle towns, increase. a Merchant class becomes rich! a New art forms  haiku poetry, kabuki theater. aDistinct Japanese culture. aTokugawa Japan

37 aHaiku poems consist of 3 lines. The first and last lines of a Haiku have 5 syllables and the middle line has 7 syllables. The lines rarely rhyme. aHere's a Haiku to help you remember: aI am first with five Then seven in the middle -- Five again to end. aYou will write 2 Haikus describing foreign policy. 1 Japanese, 1 Spanish. aHistory Haiku!

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