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Public Speaking Tips Better Speech Delivery Presented by, Ms. Kane.

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Presentation on theme: "Public Speaking Tips Better Speech Delivery Presented by, Ms. Kane."— Presentation transcript:

1 Public Speaking Tips Better Speech Delivery Presented by, Ms. Kane

2 Approach Podium Confidently  Stand Straight  Pause and start with first sentence  Smile

3 Body Language  Posture  Hand gesture  Facial Expressions  No fidgeting  No rocking

4 Eye Contact (3 second rule)  Focus on someone in back of room  Who is listening?  Way to connect  Do not read from notes

5 Diction  Clear  Correct  Concise “ Two toads, totally tired, trying to trot to Tewkesbury.”

6 Tone  Avoid monotone  Inflection  Sets the mood  Shows conviction

7 Pace  Not too slow  Avoid speed talk  Use your pauses

8 Volume  Project your voice  Emphasize key words  Don’t drop off at end of sentence

9 Prepare and Practice  Mirror  Web cam  Tape Recorder  Live audience of friends & family  Use gestures  Time yourself

10 Tweak your paper!!  Mrs. Moore gets the clean copy  BOLD  Highlight  Font Size  Pause prompts “We talked about the past////////present/////and future all night/////without /a/dull//moment.”

11 Have fun!!!!!!!

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