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A Dynamic Delivery Scheduling System in supply chain Professor Ha. T. Qin, Y.M. Lee, S.P. Chu 2008-05-27.

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Presentation on theme: "A Dynamic Delivery Scheduling System in supply chain Professor Ha. T. Qin, Y.M. Lee, S.P. Chu 2008-05-27."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Dynamic Delivery Scheduling System in supply chain Professor Ha. T. Qin, Y.M. Lee, S.P. Chu 2008-05-27

2 1. Introduction In supply chain, most of companies want to obtain a quick response ability. However, because of uncertain and complicated situation, they can not make a quick operation. Hence, there are several methods that can improve the response ability with the increment of cost. Specially, developing a perfect system to manage the activities can reach that target with the lowest cost.

3 1. Introduction

4 2 Problem Statement In this case, our team will focus on the product delivery activity in supply chain. We try to build up a dynamic delivery scheduling system to help manager for quick response to customer. Some simple dispatching rules or algorithm will be employed for generating the schedule. Finally, A truck-order schedule will be gotten based on the real-time situation and the criterion of smallest number of tardy order.

5 2 Problem Statement Objective of Problem – Obtain a quick response to customer with the consideration of cost and time. Decision facts – How many trucks are there for delivering all orders in the time horizon? – When will this order be delivered? – Which order will be putted into a specific truck?

6 2 Problem Statement

7 3. Analysis Procedure 1.Requirement analysis 2.System model analysis 1.Object Model 2.Dynamic Model 3.Functional Model 3.Find out all useful operations 4.Carry out the model diagram

8 3.1 Requirement analysis 1.Truck-order schedule should be generated from this system. 2.The system will be designed for single distribution center. 3.There are many customers distributed around the DC in each area. 4.The capacity of truck is limited. 5.The delivery time and due time will be considered.

9 3. 2 System model analysis Object Model – Data Dictionary – Class Diagram – Instance Diagram Dynamic Model – Event-trace Diagram – State Diagram Functional Model – Data Flow Diagram

10 3.2.1 Object Model Distribution Center: – The place where many products are stored can supply products to the customers. Area: – There are many customers in one specific district and DC can serve all area around it. Customer: – The demander in a area who would like to purchase product from the DC of company. Order: – The list of demanding products for one customer. Product: – The things what the customer demands. Truck: – The carrier which can deliver to required products to corresponding customer. Driver: – The person who drive the truck to deliver products to each area. Schedule – The planning which can arrange trucks deliver products to customers in specific time. Data Dictionary For All Classes

11 The attributes and part of operations: Customer Name Address 3.2.1 Object Model Area Name Location Distribution Center Name Company Order Name Product Due date Product Name Amount Price Truck Name Capacity Speed Driver Name Age Schedule Name # of truck Current Date Add to area Generate order Add to DC Generate customer Arrange Truck Add area Add product Add to customer Add to Truck Add to orderAdd order Add driver Add to area Add to Schedule Add to truckAdd truck

12 3.2.1 Object Model Class Diagram Customer Area Order Product Truck Driver Schedule Distribution Center Serve Have Make Include Delivery Drive Arrange Serve

13 (DC) DC1 (Area) A1 (Area) A2 (Area) A3 (Area) A4 (Customer) C1 (Customer) C2 (Customer) C5 (Customer) C8 (Order) O1 08-05-11 (Order) O5 08-05-16 (Product) P1 Amount:5 (Product) P2 Amount:13 (Truck) T1 (Truck) T2 (Order) O3 08-05-13 (Driver) D1 (Driver) D2 (Schedule) S1 08-05-06 (Order) O4 08-05-10 (Customer) C6 (Order) O7 08-05-22 3.2.1 Object Model Instance Diagram

14 3.2.2 Dynamic Model Event trace for truck scenario DCTruckArea Stay in DC Load Products Depart from DC Transferring Arrive at area Unload Products Return from area Truck arrive at DC

15 3.2.2 Dynamic Model State Diagram Of Truck

16 3.2.2 Dynamic Model State Diagram Of Order

17 3.2.3 Functional Model Input value and output value for system

18 3.2.3 Functional Model Data Flow Diagram

19 3.2.4 Operation Analysis Truck: – Arrange area – Receive order – Verify availability – Load product – Unload product – Transfer product – Get deriver – Add to truck schedule Order: – Add product – Add to customer – Load to truck – Unload to truck – Add to order schedule – Verify the due date – Identify order Schedule: – Add truck – Add order – Generate order schedule – Generate truck schedule

20 3.3 Execute the analysis result System Configuration – 1 distribution center. – 5 different type of products. – 4 areas with many customers. – 10 trucks and 10 drivers. – Planning horizon is 1 day. Java language will be applied to build up this scheduling system. Building time is about 2 weeks.

21 Thank you for your attention! Q&A?

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