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DE Science Elementary “5-Minute Prep” For Sound, Heat, and Light Sound > Pitch.

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Presentation on theme: "DE Science Elementary “5-Minute Prep” For Sound, Heat, and Light Sound > Pitch."— Presentation transcript:

1 DE Science Elementary “5-Minute Prep” For Sound, Heat, and Light Sound > Pitch

2 Pitch – The Big Ideas Sounds can have a low pitch or a high pitch. The frequency of vibration of a sound wave determines the pitch of the sound. Sounds with higher frequency have a higher pitch. Sounds with lower frequency have a lower pitch.

3 Pitch – Prior Knowledge Students have been interacting with and fascinated by sounds since birth. It will help for students to use the Fun-damental, Sound, Heat, and Light, to review sound. It will be helpful if students have:Sound, Heat, and Light listened to instruments that create different pitches.

4 Pitch – Common Misconceptions Loudness and pitch of sounds are the same things. –Reality: Volume, which is the amount of energy in a sound wave, refers to the loudness of a sound. Pitch is determined by the frequency of vibration. Hitting an object harder changes the pitch of the sound produced. –Reality: Hitting an object harder increase the amount of energy and therefore increases the volume and not the pitch.

5 Pitch – Using DE Science Content When you close this presentation, you can review the following recommended resources for Pitch. Exploration: PitchPitch Reading Passage: Underwater SongsUnderwater Songs Video: PitchPitch Video: SoundSound Use the PowerPoint version of this presentation for hyperlinks to these resources or you can get to them through the browser or search feature.

6 Pitch – Instructional Ideas Invite the instrumental teacher and a few students to play a short song for the class. –Have each student listen for how many different pitches are being played by the instruments. –Have the students then complete the Exploration: Pitch to see the difference in sound waves.Pitch Create a science corner with a computer and various sound makers or instruments. –Allow students to explore the videos on sound and investigate how to make different pitches with the sound makers or instruments.

7 State standards: If you wish to review your state standards regarding Pitch, click here to get to the curriculum standards search feature of DES. You can click on any standard to see what resources are available to teach it. Additional Information: For additional content, check the Extend section within the concept.

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