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The Jackson Era (pages 327 & 328) How did America become more democratic during the Jackson era?

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2 The Jackson Era (pages 327 & 328) How did America become more democratic during the Jackson era?

3 In the nation’s early years, only white men who owned property or paid taxes could vote. By the 1820s many states loosened these requirements. Now all white men(rich or poor) could vote. Nearly all states let voters, rather than state legislatures, choose presidential electors. Women still couldn’t vote. African Americans and Native Americans had few rights of any kind. As president Jackson employed the Spoils System The Democrats replaced the caucus system with nominating conventions in which delegates choose the party’s presidential candidates instead of top party leaders selecting them.

4 Spoils System Pages 327 & 328 Describe it. _________________________________ _________________________________ Decide if it was fair. _________________________________

5 After becoming President, he fired many government employees He replaced them with his own supporters Critics complained that he wasn’t choosing qualified & experienced men and weakening the government Jackson believed that he was fulfilling a goal of democracy by letting ordinary people take part

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