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The Health Roundtable Presenter: (delegate name) Hospital Code Name: Innovation Poster Session HRT1418 – Allied Health Improvement Group 23-24 th October.

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Presentation on theme: "The Health Roundtable Presenter: (delegate name) Hospital Code Name: Innovation Poster Session HRT1418 – Allied Health Improvement Group 23-24 th October."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Health Roundtable Presenter: (delegate name) Hospital Code Name: Innovation Poster Session HRT1418 – Allied Health Improvement Group 23-24 th October BRISBANE 2014

2 The Health Roundtable KEY REASONS FOR THE INITIATIVE BASELINE DATA  What are the key reasons / issues that were the catalyst for the initiative  Show chart of the rate of this problem over time prior to the innovation

3 The Health Roundtable KEY CHANGES IMPLEMENTED  Please focus on changes that were actually implemented that have contributed to the project’s success  (the focus is on real results, not anticipated improvements)  Provide pictures of the tools / forms / flow charts / people / materials /documents used as part of the intervention  Bring along any materials you wish to hand out and share with others  (1-2 slides)

4 The Health Roundtable OUTCOMES SO FAR  Provide numerical evidence that the changes have made an improvement e.g. a before and after chart, trend line etc  Insert your graphs showing improvements here  Qualitative changes: patients, staff, culture, stories from staff or patients  (1-2 slides)

5 The Health Roundtable LESSONS LEARNT & NEXT STEPS  What would you recommend to other organisations?  What are the next steps?  Who should other organisations contact if they want to know more?

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