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Building Basics By Jada and Carmen Wright. When thinking about Building… Terms to be familiar with are: *Gravity *Compression *Tension *Post and Lintel.

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Presentation on theme: "Building Basics By Jada and Carmen Wright. When thinking about Building… Terms to be familiar with are: *Gravity *Compression *Tension *Post and Lintel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Basics By Jada and Carmen Wright

2 When thinking about Building… Terms to be familiar with are: *Gravity *Compression *Tension *Post and Lintel

3 Gravity Gravity is a force that pulls objects to the center of Earth

4 Compression Compression pushes things together making them shorter

5 Tension Tension pulls things apart making them longer

6 Post and Lintel Structure

7 Example

8 Stonehenge, in England This is an example of a “Post and Lintel” structure

9 Parthenon, Athens, 448-432 B.C.E Another example of a “Post and Lintel” structure

10 Another popular building structure The BASE of the Pyramid is “WIDE” which allows for a taller structure

11 Pyramid of Giza Real World Example

12 Examples of Buildings Building you are more familiar or have used.

13 Cake Building YUMMY

14 The End Now go build!!!!!!!

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