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MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2015 Prompt What would you like your last words to be? Quote “Great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice, and is never the.

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Presentation on theme: "MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2015 Prompt What would you like your last words to be? Quote “Great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice, and is never the."— Presentation transcript:

1 MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2015 Prompt What would you like your last words to be? Quote “Great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice, and is never the result of selfishness.” – Napoleon Hill

2 ANNOUNCEMENTS/REMINDERS Common Sense pamphlet due today!

3 REVIEW Lee’s Resolution Thomas Jefferson Drafts of Declaration Date adopted John Hancock Controversial? Contradictory? American Dream? Parts of the Declaration

4 AND SO IT BEGINS… British say it’s the terrain Counting on the Loyalists –Fantasy Marched 10 miles a day on average –Americans march 25-40 a day Fight in style –76 wagons –10 to carry tents –12 to carry silverware and tablecloths

5 THE POPULATION 20% Loyalists – mostly governing elite, and most move to Canada 80,000 Pacifists (mostly Quakers)] Most African Americans fight for the British – only 5,000 fight with the Patriots Natives forced to pick sides –The war destroys the Iroquois League –See British a protectors of their lands

6 THE AMERICAN MILITIA Wait for the fight to come to them Show up and disappear 50% under the age of 16, technically not supposed to fight.

7 WOMEN IN THE WAR Camp followers Cooks, nurses, carried supplies and messages Women at home had a lot to worry about

8 CANADA AND THE AMERICANS Move to Canada to get support from the Canadians Benedict Arnold and his men lead troops through Maine –Freezing, blizzards –Eat bark candles, shoe leather Attack Quebec –Arnold is wounded –Things get worse –When British reinforcements arrive, they capitulate

9 DORCHESTER HEIGHTS Washington puts the canons from Fort Ti on the hills General William Howe realizes he can’t force the Americans to leave –so he leaves and goes to Canada. Loyalists flee Boston (about 1,500) Blockade set up on the ports in America

10 NEW YORK Howe decides to occupy NY Good location March north or south, split the colonies Large Loyalist population Lots of beautiful women The social center of the colonies

11 THE BATTLE OF LONG ISLAND Washington moves 19,000 troops south to Long Island Not trained No navy Where will the British land? –10,000 to Long Island –10,00 0 to Manhattan Fought well –1,500 killed, caught, or wounded

12 THE BATTLE OF LONG ISLAND Washington in danger of being captured –“I will not ask any man go further than I do. I will fight so long as I have a leg or an arm.” How to escape? Retreat into NJ Cross Delaware River to PA NY under British control until the end of the war

13 SPYING Not considered a nice profession Washington’s first foray into the spy world –Nathan Hale –24 years old –School teacher –Terrible at blending in –Caught –“I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.” The Secret Six

14 THE FLAG Can’t fight under the British flag New flag designed by Congress 13 stripes – alternating red and white –Each stripe an original colony –Red – courage –White – purity of ideals Blue field of stars (called the Union) –Each star represented a state –Blue – strength and unity

15 DESIGN YOUR OWN FLAG You will be designing your own flag. Have some fun with this!

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