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Ecology: Lectures 14 & 15 Predation, Parts 1 & 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Ecology: Lectures 14 & 15 Predation, Parts 1 & 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecology: Lectures 14 & 15 Predation, Parts 1 & 2

2 Lotka-Volterra equation: Prey isocline (dV/dt = 0)

3 Lotka-Volterra equation: Predator isocline (dC/dt = 0)

4 Lotka-Volterra model: with both predator and prey isoclines

5 Lotka-Volterra prediction: Predator-prey flux through time

6 Rosenzweig-MacArthur: Stable cycle

7 Rosenzweig-MacArthur: Stable/dampened oscillations

8 Rosenzweig-MacArthur: Unstable/increasing oscillations

9 Rosenzweig-MacArthur: Refuge

10 Gause’s predation experiments: Didinium predation on Paramecium

11 Huffaker’s experiments: mite predation and complex environments

12 Pimentel et al. experiments  Used parasitoid wasps and host flies as predator and prey  Created metapopulations

13 Functional responses of predator to prey concentrations  Type 1 response:

14 Functional responses of predator to prey concentrations  Type 2 response:

15 Functional responses of predator to prey concentrations  Type 3 response:

16 Tinbergen’s search image hypothesis for Type 3 responses

17 Prey switching

18 Aggregative response

19 Optimal foraging example

20 Lynx and hare cycling

21 Hare and winter vegetation (“browse”) cycling

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