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Complete in Christ Paul’s Christ-Centred Prayer Colossians 1:9-12.

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Presentation on theme: "Complete in Christ Paul’s Christ-Centred Prayer Colossians 1:9-12."— Presentation transcript:

1 Complete in Christ Paul’s Christ-Centred Prayer Colossians 1:9-12

2 Complete in Christ Paul’s Prayer 1.Knowing God’s will. 2.Living God’s will. 3.Reflecting God’s will.

3 Complete in Christ Colossians 1:9-12 (The Message) Be assured that from the first day we heard of you, we haven't stopped praying for you, asking God to give you wise minds and spirits attuned to his will, and so acquire a thorough understanding of the ways in which God works. We pray that you'll live well for the Master, making him proud of you as you work hard in his orchard. As you learn more and more how God works, you will learn how to do your work.

4 Complete in Christ Colossians 1:9-12 (The Message) We pray that you'll have the strength to stick it out over the long haul—not the grim strength of gritting your teeth but the glory-strength God gives. It is strength that endures the unendurable and spills over into joy, thanking the Father who makes us strong enough to take part in everything bright and beautiful that he has for us.

5 Complete in Christ Paul’s Prayer

6 Complete in Christ 1. Knowing God’s will.

7 Complete in Christ 1.Knowing God’s will. “Knowledge of God’s will leads to Christ-like living in the many and varied situations of life.”

8 Complete in Christ 1.Knowing God’s will. “The better we know God’s general will, the easier it will be to determine His specific guidance in every day life.” (Wiersby)

9 Complete in Christ 1. Knowing God’s will. Romans 12:2 (New Living Translation) Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

10 Complete in Christ Know this! You are complete in Christ!

11 Complete in Christ Know this! You are perfect only in Christ!

12 Complete in Christ

13 1.Knowing God’s will. 2.Living God’s will.

14 Complete in Christ 2.Living God’s will. Wisdom is knowledge of God’s Truth Understanding is the practical application of God’s Truth into your life

15 Complete in Christ 1.Knowing God’s will. 2.Living God’s will. 3.Reflecting God’s will.

16 Complete in Christ Enduring the “unendurable”

17 Complete in Christ


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20 Complete in Christ “Wisdom is the God-given ability to see life with rare objectivity and to handle life with rare stability.” Chuck Swindoll

21 Complete in Christ Colossians 1:9-12 (The Message) Be assured that from the first day we heard of you, we haven't stopped praying for you, asking God to give you wise minds and spirits attuned to his will, and so acquire a thorough understanding of the ways in which God works. We pray that you'll live well for the Master, making him proud of you as you work hard in his orchard. As you learn more and more how God works, you will learn how to do your work.

22 Complete in Christ Colossians 1:9-12 (The Message) We pray that you'll have the strength to stick it out over the long haul—not the grim strength of gritting your teeth but the glory-strength God gives. It is strength that endures the unendurable and spills over into joy, thanking the Father who makes us strong enough to take part in everything bright and beautiful that he has for us.

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