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In October 2011 the world's population was calculated at 7 billion. This is set to increase to 8 billion by around 2050. Population is not evenly spread.

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Presentation on theme: "In October 2011 the world's population was calculated at 7 billion. This is set to increase to 8 billion by around 2050. Population is not evenly spread."— Presentation transcript:

1 In October 2011 the world's population was calculated at 7 billion. This is set to increase to 8 billion by around 2050. Population is not evenly spread. Some areas are densely populated. 75% of the population live in developing countries, marking a northern/ southern hemisphere divide Population Introduction

2 Birth Rate Death Rate Natural Increase Life Expectancy (Infant Mortality) Demographic Statistics

3 Distribution and Density Collecting Population Data World Population Change Demographic Transition Model Population Structure Population Problems Policy Migration Lesson content





8 Describe the distribution of global population (5)


10 Densely PopulatedExamplesSparsely PopulatedExamples ReliefFlat plains and low lying areas High, rugged mountainsAndes Broad river valleysWorn down shield lands Foothills of volcanoes-- ClimateEvenly distributed rainfall with no temp extremes Limited annual rainfall Areas with (i) high sunshine totals (ii) heavy snowfall totals Spanish Costas/ Swiss Alpine Valleys Areas with (i)low annual temperatures (ii) high humidity Seasonal monsoon rainfallUnreliable seasonal rainfallSahel VegetationGrasslands – easy to farmForest SoilDeep fertile silt left by rivers Nile valley and delta Thin soils in mountainous areas Volcanic soilsEtnaSoils (i) lacking humus or (ii) affected by leaching ResourcesMinerals eg; coal, iron oreLacking minerals Energy supplies eg; HEPLacking energy supplies Water SupplyReliable suppliesUnrealisable suppliesAfghanistan Natural RoutesGaps through mountainsMountain barrierHimalayas

11 Densely Populated ExamplesSparsely Populated Examples EconomicPortsLimited facilities for ports Good roads, railways, airports Germany, California Poor transport links Industrial areasLack of industrial development Iraq Development of tourism Lack of tourist development PoliticalMoney availableTokyo, North ItalyLack of money for investment Government investment Lack of government investment New townsDepopulation of rural/industrial areas Reclamation of land Loss of land eg; deforestation SocialBetter housingArizonaPoor housing Education, health, entertainment facilities Limited education, health, entertainment facilities Rwanda Retirement areasSpanish Costas, Canary islands Poor retirement facilities

12 Categorise Information

13 Account for the physical factors that result in sparsely populated areas (4)

14 Explain the human factors that have contributed to densely populated areas of the world. (4)


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